The beginning of chaos

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Grian created "Chaos with Grian"

Grian invited "MumboJumbo", " Goodtimewithscar", "Xisumavoid", " EX", "NPC Grian" to Chaos With Grian.

Grian: welcome to the chat

Goodtimewithscar --> Scar

Scar: G-Man!

Scar: y did u make this chat when we all already had a Hermitcraft discord???

Xisumavoid: He's not wrong


NPC Grian: Hello EX.

EX: :O


EX: also

EX: y u no visit me? :(?

NPC Grian --> NPG

NPG: My creator needed to update my software and implement genuine emotions.

Xisumavoid: wat in xelqua name-

Grian: I forgot I updated NPG system

MumboJumbo --> Mumbo

Mumbo: Grian, wdym by that

Mumbo: ur not implying that you made him right??

Grian: ew grammee

Grian: also yes I made NPG

Mumbo: HOW???

Mumbo: you can't do redstone well!

Grian: I mean

Grian: I made a time machine before

Xisumavoid --> Xisumavoid

Xisuma: u did wat

EX: what

NPG: Creator, your a bit too smart when it's not even needed.

Grian: I'm aware

Grian: I created u cuz I was literally sick and needed someone to do stuff 4 me

Mumbo: ????

Scar: . _ .

Scar: Grain

Scar: wat secrets u hiding?

Grian: no need to know ;)

Xisuma: y r we chosen specifically?

EX: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

EX: at least I don't need to hack into the chat lol

Grian: ( ̄‐ ̄)

Grian: said the guy that kept running to me like I'm ur mother

EX: push

EX: lies

Xisuma: EX, wat happened?

EX: nothing

Mumbo: ._.

Scar: ._.

Scar: I wonder how long it would take before the others realized we're in this chat instead of the other

Grian: they don't know I'm a retired admin

Grian: even if I did tell them they think I'm kidding


Xisuma: 0-0

Mumbo: here we go again-

Scar: HUH?!

Scar: mumbo u knew and didn't tell us? I'm hurt :(((

Mumbo: Grian told u guys tho

Grian: I did tell u guys

Xisuma: I wasn't there

NPG: Creator Experience as a Admin was full of... Unspoken experience. Glitches that was too dangerous for most.

Grian: shh

Grian: go play Mario Kart with EX or something

EX: :0

EX: is it in the guest room?

Grian: do u mean ur own room?

Grian: also yes



EX went offlne

NPG went offline

Scar: so

Scar: Grain

Scar: wat this bout j being an admin?

Grian: don't worry much bout it

Xisuma: Wat did EX even do?

Grian: idk

Grian: he came to me 1 day crying and ended up mistaking me as mom

Grian: u have no idea how odd it was since I'm ur friend

Xisuma: fair

Mumbo: u guys r the server parents

Mumbo: wdym

Xisuma: huh

Scar: yea u guys r the server parents

Grian: ?????

Grian: wdym???

Scar: u guys don't see it?

Xisuma: uh no?

Mumbo: and u guys think most of us r oblivious

Mumbo: u see

Scar: Grian acts like a overly protective mother birb

Mumbo: and u Xisuma already act like that father figure to everyone

Grian: wat gender roles r we just kicking out the windowless wall

Scar: wot

Mumbo: grian can't see glass

Mumbo: unless they're tinted in any kind of colors or from his own glasses he wears

Mumbo: sometimes giggles

Xisuma: Grian wears glasses????

Scar: never knew that

Grian: this feels like a get to know me thing

Grian: which ain't too bad ig

Grian: anyways, u guys do wat ever, I'mma go uh

Grian: clean my starter house 4 once

Grian: it's a mess

Xisuma: I'm off to mining then

Scar: tree :D

Mumbo: Vault U_U

Grian: I will break it soon

Grian: anyways hf

Grian went offline

Scar: whatever u say Grain

Scar went offline

Xisuma: I'm gonna do stuff now

Xisuma went offline


Mumbo: this chat is just the beginning of chaos ig

Mumbo went offline

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