I'm home!

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A little background -
Hyunjin is a Dom having been trained by Minho but is only submissive to Minho. You'll see later on throughout the story. Though he sometimes can't control his need for control and challenges Minho, which he hates and usually ends up with him being punished. Minho was trained before he joined the group having been in the actually lifestyle and is the most Dominant out of everyone.

"But can we unlock the door for Felix first?" Hyunjin asked before he forgot the text and poor Yongbokkie ended up stuck outside while they're busy.

"Doesn't he have another hour?" Lee Know asked, confused.

"Chan said Changbin rushed him home so he'll be here in a few." Hyunjin told him, watching as the older went to the closest and unlocked the wardrobe that had all their special items. They all had walk-in closets and Lee Know added a tall wardrobe that takes up the back of the closet but can't be opened without a key. Even if they don't go through each other's things, one can never be too careful when living with 7 other people.

"Go unlock the door while I think about what to do with you. I'll set a timer for when the other members get back. I expect you to go to your room shower and prepare yourself in 15 minutes, then be ready and waiting on my bed in our favorite accessories. Understand?" Lee Know told him, grasping his chin and forcing him to look him in the eye.

"Yes, Hyung." Hyunjin said obediently. Lee Know had no cold look in his eyes so Hyunjin knew his punishment wouldn't be harsh and he didn't want to make it worse by disobeying so when his Hyung gave him the okay he quickly went to do what he said. But not before turning back to him and telling him "I think Felix has a voyeurism kink. We should leave the door open." With that said he sent his Hyung a wink before rushing to his room to wash and prepare himself really fast.

Lee Know let out a chuckle at that since he did not expect it and set a hour and 45 minute timer for how long it would take the rest of the members to get back including the ride. He couldn't have them coming back early and someone barging in his room as usual or they'd have a sight to see. Once he found what he was looking for he quickly went to shower as well making sure he followed the same time line he gave Hyunjin.

When he was done he could hear Felix coming up the stairs since his door was still open and checked the time to see Hyunjin had 3 minutes left. By the time he brushed his teeth again it was down to 1. Before he went to wait in his room he heard Hyunjin talking to Felix telling him "Go wash up and eat something. I'll be in Hyung's room." Lee Know waited watching the clock to see if the other would make it on time or he'd have to extend his punishment but as soon as the 15 minutes ended he heard him coming into the room getting into position on the bed.

Lee Know smirked as he exited the bathroom looking over the younger's gorgeous body, seeing he made sure to wear what he told him, a robe thrown over the chair in the corner.

"Right on time. Good boy." He said pleased. He came closer letting his fingers trail down the younger's abdomen watching his muscles flex under his fingertips in reaction to the light touches. Hyunjin was laid flat on his back, arms stretched above his head, wrist crossed with hands holding onto the headboard. His legs spread so his body was on full display for his Hyung. Lee Know chose this position for him so he could see everything and always have easy access to the other. Hyunjin also liked being on display and treated like an object to be used whenever.

"Beautiful baby." Lee Know said, eyeing the pretty black lace panties the other wore that could barely contain his semi with the head sticking out the top. He ran his finger over it watching it twitch as well.

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