First Time

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"I will be your boyfriend." They all smile toothy grins from ear to ear. Felix jumping in excitement while gripping the older. "But, I need to know what's this second life Seungmin was talking about first. You're not coming near me with any of that sh*t."

"We'll introduce you to it tomorrow, it's a lot to explain. For now it's getting late so we should all be getting to bed." Lee Know told them.

"But-" Felix started. They were just getting to the good part.

"No buts, you need to go prep. Your clothes are on your bed. Go, go." He gave his butt a little slap to get him moving.

"Bye Changbin Hyung. See you tomorrow boyfriend." He said giving him a kiss on the cheek and with a giggle running upstairs. Though he did have an after thought along the way. "Prep? Were they training tonight?"

He didn't think much of it until he got to his room and saw the outfit they had waiting for him.

"Oh. This is new?" It definitely wasn't a regular scene tonight.

The (white) lace, nice and soft to the touch

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The (white) lace, nice and soft to the touch.

"Oh no, this is it." He wanted this more than anything, but now it's here, he's truly afraid. What if he messes up or ruins the night somehow. What if he's not as good as they're expecting.

"No." Before he let's himself go down hill and drown in what if's, he's going to get ready and meet his boyfriends. They must be waiting.

A top of the outfit they also left him a note. It looked like Hyunjin's handwriting and was a list of things they needed him to do. He smiled because they were so prepared.

And he saw just how prepared when he went to his bathroom and everything was already there for him to complete his task and placed
beautifully organized.

"They're so cute." He voiced aloud, gushing even though they weren't there. He wanted to be with them as soon as possible. So, he made quick work of ensuring he did everything they asked.

He cleaned himself thoroughly, shaved perfectly, used his favorite smelling body wash to compliment his best cologne and shimmering body butter. He wanted to smell like he was seducing two men.

He added concealer under his eyes, tied his hair in a half bun leaving the sides down for bangs, a style he's very used to Hyunjin wearing, and didn't forget his chapstick, which was a little tinted. He grabbed a cute pair of silver earrings as well for added effect.

Now putting on the lingerie brought back his unbearable nerves. Everything was free. The bottom didn't close so he was just open. Though the lace gliding against his nipples made them hard almost instantly he was freaking out on how he would get from his room to the downstairs guest room they told him to come to on the note.

He figured whatever, he just wanted to see them so he can just wrap a towel around himself and make a run for it. So he did just that. Only on the way of running to the stairs Chan chose that moment to come out of I.N's room.

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