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Han woke in the middle of the night feeling very uncomfortable, and he soon found out why. His boxers were a sticky mess but he was also confused on when they'd gotten home, who put him in bed;  even took his pants, shoes, and make up off. He climbed out of bed and went to his bathroom to shower since he hadn't earlier and it made him feel pretty disgusting now. After he finished showering and getting dressed in some cute matching pajamas he knew he wasn't gonna go to sleep again easily after remembering his dream. But for some reason he once again felt drawn to the person that was in it and found himself walking quietly to Minho's room. He opened the door quietly as he knew he didn't need to knock when it came to his Minho Hyung. Peeking inside to see if he was up he wasn't surprised to see Hyunjin- the other person from his dream- cuddle up to Minho, those two often slept together as every time a member went to wake one up they were both there.

"Hanji did you want to cuddle?" Minho asked through the dark when he saw the figure. They were both still up having just showered again, after their activities, feeling too sweaty and dirty earlier.

Han nodded and quietly shut the door to not wake anyone else up and easily climbed into bed with his Hyungs feeling instant warmth as they layed on either side of him. "Do you want me to leave you two baby." Hyunjin asked as he knew Han was most comfortable with Lee Know even if he didn't really want to leave either. "No!" Both of them said at the same time a little
too loud. "No Jinnie I want to cuddle with you to." Han told him snuggling into his chest while feeling secure in Minho's arms. Both of them made him feel safe and even if he felt a little guilty for having a wet dream about them he wanted to be with no one else more at the moment.

They all went to sleep pretty quickly after that feeling that familiar exhaustion hitting them, luckily they had a day off tomorrow. As Hyunjin and Lee Know went to sleep thinking of ways to put the plan in action tomorrow Han was hoping he could get over his feelings one day before he had to leave the group. There was no way he was gonna mess up everything they built by staying around when they hated him he'd rather leave than suffer that.


In the morning Han woke up still facing Hyunjin but only felt one pair of arms wrapped around him. Before he could wonder where Minho was he smelt bacon coming from the kitchen. It made him moan just thinking about Minho's cooking. He looked up at Jinnie infront of him and was taken aback for a second. How did he not know his feelings before now. Everyone knows Hyunjin is absolutely gorgeous Han's knees might've went weak if he wasn't already laying down because seeing him so close was unreal. His face was completely relaxed with his long black locks falling around him and that adorable mole sitting prettily right under his eye. He was breathtaking.

"If you stare any harder you might break my face." Hyunjin's said sluggishly. Han was taken aback when did he wake up and how long did he know I was just staring at him he thought. Little did he know Hyunjin had woken up when Lee Know did and they both did their morning routine so he's been up silently watching Han sleep as well and only just closed his eyes to gauge Han's reaction when he woke. "Don't worry beautiful I know I'm gorgeous." Hyunjin said before stretching and Han playfully slapped his chest blushing. Then Hyunjin winced face scrunched in pain as he moved his legs. "What's wrong?" Han asked when he saw this. "Nothing. Just a little sore." Hyunjin told him as he couldn't exactly say he rode the fuck out of Minho last night so his hips, thighs, and ass are sore because of it. "What have we told you about practicing so much? It kills all of us to see you in so much pain you can't get out of bed, it's not healthy." Han scolds him hitting him again harder this time.

"Ow, Fuck, okay I get it. Why are you abusing me if I'm already hurt? Isn't this domestic violence?" Hyunjin says dramatically. Before Han could tell him to shut up Lee Know came back with a tray of food for them. Han was very excited as soon as he saw it. When Lee Know reached to place it down on the bed Han quickly grabbed a piece of bacon and toast to begin stuffing his cheeks. "Hyung your the best." He said while chewing, his stuffed jeekies on display. The other two were swooning at how adorable he looked. Lee Know came over to Hyunjin kissing his cheek he would've sat him up but he knew the pain he was in. "Are you okay?" Lee Know asked.  "No thanks to you." Hyunjin scoffed while holding his hand out for Han to give him a piece of bacon. Han gave it to him and frowned asking "Lee Minho is it your fault our prince is in so much pain right now? Did you really have to push him that hard?" When Han asked this Lee Know was confused on exactly what he was talking about as he didn't think Hyunjin had told him about their activities last night. He looked at Hyunjin who just shook his head and then he understood Han was talking about dancing. "I didn't ask him to he did it himself." To Han he was talking about dance but he looked at hyunjin when he said this a smirk on his face as they shared eye contact again. He was really talking about Hyunjin fighting him for dominance which Lee Know won when he flipped them around and fucked him into the mattress last night. Hyunjin just rolled his eyes up to early for this and on the verge of going back to sleep.

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