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Sorry I take so long to update... But I love seeing your comments❤️😌 Thanks for reading and enjoying the story..........................

And just to clarify the sound proofing. Sound proof means preventing the passage of sound either entering or exiting. In their rooms case it restrains sound from echoing out of the room. So if their music is on full blast the room over won't be able to hear it, but if they are standing right in front of the door, they may catch distorted muffles. As well as Stomping, thudding, banging, can't be prevented since one can more so feel it.

That Morning...

Felix was really horney and he didn't know why. But being engulfed by two beautiful and undercover hyper sexual men was turning him on for no reason.

He started softly kissing Hyunjin's exposed neck, since he was facing him. Knowing Hyunjin is a hard sleeper he waisted no time and decided to do something very bold to wake the other. He started massaging his cock over his briefs. Felix would never have initiated such an action before in his life.

But being with the both of them and knowing they were his as much as he is theirs emboldened him. When Hyunjin started stirring, letting out a breathy moan, not fully awake yet he slid his hand inside his boxers after spitting in his palm for lubrication. He quickly brought him to a full erection wanting him awake already so he could help him too.

"Felix?" Hyunjin woke up confused and hot. Felix was still jacking him off and moving faster now that he was awake. He grabbed his arm not expecting such a wake up call and if he didn't slow down he was gonna cum soon. Hyunjin may be Felix Dom but he's still Lee Know's Sub. Meaning he couldn't cum without his permission or he would be punished.

He still moaned as Felix rubbed over his slit before asking him in between breaths. "Angel, w-what is this?"

"Help, please." Felix said, guiding Hyunjin's hand to his own erection. Hyunjin felt that he was really hard, like really. And he wondered what could the younger have been thinking about to make him like that. Looking over at the alarm clock it was 5am, not even Lee Know who's usually the first awake is up right now.

"Fuck, Ángel slow down. Mmhm." He moaned approaching the edge before Felix listened and slowed his movements. But he tightened his hand around the shaft giving Hyunjin long slow strokes.

Felix whimpered from how painful his erection was now. He needed to cum.

"Let's wake Hyung okay. Then you can cum." Hyunjin said.

Felix nodded eagerly. He knew just what to do. He pulled the blankets that surrounded them back and got himself comfortable beside his Hyung's legs. Hyunjin moved around to face the same from the other side. 

They smiled at each other before Hyunjin initiated the first move. He pulled their Hyung's boxers down below his package. And Felix gave it a cute little kitten lick. Hyunjin smirked at his cuteness. They held eye contact as Hyunjin grabbed Lee Know's base and gave it a long lick, flat against his underside before wrapping his tongue around the tip. Felix came closer, entranced by Hyunjin's sexy, playful eyes and sensual movements. He licked his way up the other side and met Hyunjin's tongue with his at the tip.

After a few minutes of them both licking and lightly sucking Lee Know's dick until it was fully hard he awoke with a groan. With him awake they took turns taking him down their throats, with one of Hyunjin's hands holding his base, and Felix's massaging his balls. Felix gagged going too far down so Hyunjin deep throated him a final time, Lee Know holding him in place as he came. He relaxed his throat so he wouldn't choke and easily breathed through his nose until he had rode out his orgasm. He didn't forget to hold some of his cum in his mouth and share it with Felix. The younger greedily made out with him, collecting the cum with his tongue and swallowing it all when they pulled away.

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