What Comes After?

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"Okay." IN told them. Maybe it was worth a shot. The fact that he got butterflies at the suggestion proved so. But he wanted to try for Chan. If he really loved him he could at least try and see if it works.

"We'll think about it." Chan spoke. IN looked at him confused. His face clearly said, Don't you want this? What was there you think about?

Chan didn't say anything else or look to IN he was watching the other couple.

"Take all the time you need. We'll be ready when you are." Hyunjin said giving them a smile. He rest his hand on IN's on the table giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Let's enjoy the rest of our date shall we." Lee Know declared. Chan nodded, and they didn't bring it up again. They had a great night together. The food was delicious, they laughed, sharing soft smiles of content, and subtle loving glances. It was a beautiful evening for both couples. IN finally allowed Hyunjin to feed him after the older begged multiple times. Then he quickly stopped him when his innocent hand feeding seemed to turn not so pure.

When it was time to leave Chan offered to cover the bill and no one declined the big baller's offer.

"Thanks Daddy." Hyunjin joked to the oldest. And IN burst out laughing.

"He's such a dilf isn't he? I told you!" Chan rolled his eyes at them both, finding them childish as always. But they really needed to stop calling him that because it's detrimental to his mental health.

"Which driver did you call?" Lee Know asked his only Hyung.

"Jeeyu Hyung. Why?" Chan answered.

"Fuck. I tried to get him fired." He scoffed.

"What?! What the hell happened?" Chan was shocked. When did that happen?

"He keeps eyeballing Hyunjin instead of watching the road. Turns out he's one of the chairman's sons. Asshole."

"Are you that jealous?" Hyunjin looked at him incredulously. He didn't even know he did that.

"Of course not he just pisses me off, and it's dangerous. I don't trust him." He admitted.

"It's okay. Don't you know I'm used to people staring at me by now." Hyunjin told him. He grabbed the older's hand to get him to look at him so he knew he was fine with it.

"But he works with us. So he needs to keep his fucking eyes to himself." IN giggled at his Hyung's clear anger. "I just have a bad feeling about him."

"Well, I'll see if he can be transferred to another group." Chan attempted to calm him and offer a solution. Lee Know nodded as the asshole pulled up.

Just like he knew his eyes immediately followed Hyunjin's every move. Lee Know was ready to pounce but Hyunjin just pulled him to the back seat and let ChanIn sit in the row infront of them so they were covered. They made it home without a hitch and Lee Know pulled Hyunjin out the car blocking him from view.

"I can't with you." Hyunjin chuckled, at his possessive man.

Lee Know opening the door was the first inside and as soon as he entered he received a ball to the face. Literally.

He stopped dead in his tracks the others behind him wide eyed at the ball that bounced from his head to the ground. He blinked and for a second no one breathed. When he looked up the first person to catch his eyes was Seungmin with a hand still in the air. Then Han, who was right beside him, neck turned like he had just dodged in the nook of time. 1, 2, 3, seconds passed of them just staring at each other before Seungmin took off back to his room with out a word, leaving what looked like a nerf gun on the ground and a few small balls. Han, who was within Lee Knows reach, took off after him before he could register what just happened, falling on the stairs on his way up.

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