How To Break Him

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Warning: Watersports

One of you asked for a punishment and the other for watersports so I'm making both your wishes come true. You're Welcome, From Author-nim💋

If uncomfortable please, do NOT read.


"That fucker got to kiss him before any of us." Hyunjin was still upset about that kiss because who even was that asshole? But Lee Know and Felix both looked away when he said that. Hyunjin paused at their guilty faces. "Are you kidding me?! I'm the only one!" Yeah he was the only one. He scoffed, throwing his hands up.

"Nows not the time babe. Why would you do this Felix?" Lee Know asked their sub. They had separated Seungmin, making him wait in his room to calm down while they figure out what happened.

Felix told them everything. When he helped Han the first time and gave him a blow job, up to how he came up with this plan because he didn't want to see him hurting. He did have good intentions, he only wanted them to be together. So they understood the plot, maybe it just went sideways a bit. The problem was, "You lied to us." Lee Know said.

"Just this afternoon even. When you brought Han to the club, what did you tell me?" He asked.

"That Han needed to hide from Seungmin because they had a fight." He said sadly.

"Not that it was a part of your plot. If you had told us from the beginning, maybe we could've helped them and you find another way. But you went about it completely wrong." The oldest stressed.

"You invited a stranger here. To our home. Did you not think of the implications and how dangerous that would be later?" Hyunjin questioned.

"Of course I did-" Felix defended himself.

"Obviously not, or you wouldn't have done it!"  Lee Know shouted. They often remind themselves Felix is soft and cries very easily. That may be the reason he gets away with a lot. But to keep allowing him to do whatever he wants will make him a spoiled brat. And they aren't easy to handle because they give no disregard to authority and become very disrespectful.

"We just want you to learn from your mistakes before it's too late." Hyunjin tried to comfort him.

"So what does that mean?" Felix asked with a small voice. His eyes were tearing up and bottom lip wobbled. He looked so cute but it wasn't the time.

"You will be punished, as I'm sure you already know." Lee Know told him. He hated being firm with him because the smaller male held a soft spot in his heart.

"Then you will make up with Seungmin and be automatically forgiven." Hyunjin said softly.

"You'll forgive me?" Felix cried out.

"Yes, of course baby." Lee Know wrapped his arms around the shaking man. "Come on, let's take your punishment like a good boy okay."

"Okay, Hyung." He'd resorted to just sniffles as he awaited his misery. He's never been punished before so he doesn't know what to expect.

"And you." Lee Know pointed at Hyunjin. "Don't go too hard on him." Hyunjin raised his hands, denying any responsibility. "I'm serious."

"I'm not even gonna touch him." Lee Know looked at him dead pan, when he smirked after that statement. Hyunjin knew just like him, physical pain was not the only way to punish someone.

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