It's A Date

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Han's outfit this chapter is very much inspired by this winter music video.

He'd woken up alone. The others had already started the day seeing as it was 1 in the afternoon. He'd reached down to his hole and felt it still slightly gaping. No matter how much he clenched he wasn't tightening. He huffed and winced from the ache and pouted before Lee Know came in to check on him again.

"Jagi, how are you feeling?" He asked coming toward him with a smile.

"Like I got run down- by a train." Han grumbled.

"Well..." Lee Know smirked. Han shot him a glare. "I know I was the main antagonist here. And I would apologize but- I can't lie and say I don't want to do it again." Yep if looks could kill he would have died a thousand times over. "But I know we were supposed to go on our date today. For that I'm sorry." He did apologize and kissed his cheek.

"It's fine- hss." Han winced, when he turned. He was so sore. His whole body ached. They had gripped his hips, made him arch his back, destroyed his hole and his throat. Now he could only lay limp. Every movement caused pain. "Nevermind, I'm going to kill all of you." He promised. Lee Know tried not to laugh and just nodded to the pained man.

"We told the managers you tested positive for Covid, so we were quarantining you and they couldn't come speak to you yet since you're pretty in and out of it. Now you have a bit of time to recover." He informed him, lying down next to the younger and pulling him to his chest.

Han nodded to the information, relaxing against him. He would need the time. For the day though. He would accept being dotted on and taken care of by his members. They all more or less felt guilty when they saw his immobility.

Though Hyunjin got kicked out when he kept trying to touch and take pictures of his swollen gape. The man was a nuisance.

"But you're so sensitive." He whined. His fingers grazing over Han's swollen bum. Han kicked him away when a finger slipped in making him jump. Hyunjin looked like a wounded puppy but walked out when Han threatened to kick him again. He sighed and laid back in bed trying to go back to sleep. It was all he could really do. But that didn't happen when someone else came in.

"Hey. How are you?" Seungmin asked coming in the room and looking at him sheepishly. He twiddled his thumbs with a guilty look on his face.

"Near the end of my life line." Seungmin let out a light laugh at his dramatics. Han smiled back at his pretty smile.

"Sorry." He apologized after looking him over. He did have some visible bruises. Not only from their kisses and bites all over his skin but also from how rough some of them were. Plus Seungmin felt bad for double penetrating him and adding to his pain.

"Why are you apologizing? I liked it. Hell, I loved it." Seungmin shook his head not really believing he was okay with being bed ridden all day. Han grabbed his hand and brought it to his lips to leave a kiss on his knuckles. "I really enjoyed last night. So stop worrying."

Seungmin looked at him trying to find the lie in his eyes. When he couldn't see anything but Han's content he nodded.

"Now could you do me a favor and help me get to the bathroom please." He whispered with a bit of urgency. Seungmin quickly picked him up and brought him to the bathroom. But he couldn't stand on his jello legs so he had to hold him up.

"How the tables turn huh?" Seungmin chuckled holding him by the waist as he washed his hands. He remembers the day he pretended to be in pet space and Han had to help him in the bathroom.

"Hm?" Han was confused.

"Nothing. I'll stay with you until you fall asleep. We have to go to the studio tomorrow but Lee Know Hyung will be here to take care of you." Han just nodded to the information and let Seungmin tuck him in and snuggle up next to him.

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