Let's Talk...

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"I just wanted to tell you, we've prepared everything. As soon as your family leaves... We'll make love to you first.. Then fuck you." Hyunjin told Felix as they lay in bed waiting for Lee Know who's watching over Seungmin.

Felix lost his breath, not expecting such an admission randomly. Though he was happy, he couldn't get the sight of his friend out of his mind. He assumes that was Hyunjin's attempt of changing the subject so he didn't continue worrying even if he himself was too.

They also didn't expect a member to come flying in the room that second and jumping on the bed.


"What the f*ck Changbin?!" Hyunjin shouted.

"What the f*ck Changbin Hyung." He told him and looked around the room only seeing a smushed Yongbok. "Where's your body guard?" He asked while laying on top of poor Felix.

"Minding his business, and get off of Felix he can't breath!"

"Ahh! Oh My God." He finally let out a breath of air as soon as Changbin rolled off of him. He literally burst in and jumped on him without giving him a second to react.

"What if we were f*cking?" Hyunjin asked Changbin with a raised brow and dead panned face.

"I was counting on it. I could've saw you in all your glory and been a major cock block for Lee Know Hyung." He had the nerve to laugh at himself and his idea. With no sense of shame because he meant it.

"Ugh." Hyunjin couldn't even reply to the maniac.

"What do you want Changbin Hyung?" Felix asked him this time.

"I already said. I planned on cock blocking those two. What are you doing here?" He returned. Since they were quite cozy before he came in.

"Just, cuddling with Jinnie."

"Everytime I come to find you in the morning your not in your room? Or Chan's? Have you been sleeping here, with them?" Felix and Hyunjin shared a quick glance.

"Yes." Was all he said. No explanation.

Luckily Changbin didn't question it further. Just nodded. But they couldn't tell he was a little suspicious. Just a little.

"Well while I have my favorite Maknae's to myself let's go do something." He suggestd with a smile.

"Really? Your favorite?" Felix asked hopefully.

"Don't tell the others, especially IN-ah." He said sheepishly. Hyunjin rolled his eyes at this man's antics.

"So what do you want to do? My family and Chan will be back around 6."

"Let's go on a date. Just the three of us. I've been craving the short ribs at my favorite restaurant for awhile." Hyunjin was confused. Felix was ecstatic at the thought of going on a date with the two especially since Changbin asked first, even if he only meant a friend date. In Felix mind it would be real.

"What are we waiting for, let's go!" Felix threw the blanket on Hyunjin's face before standing up. "Come on Jinnie, get ready." He said before rushing out the room to get dressed.

Hyunjin didn't know how to feel. He'd never shown such enthusiasm when going on dates with him and Lee Know Hyung. Guess he knows who his favorite is too. For some reason that sorta spoiled his mood.

The whole date was a f*cked up excuse of a circus. The love triangle between them pettily obvious. Hyunjin trying to win Felix attention. Felix feeding Changbin like it's his favorite thing to do. Looking at him like he's his favorite thing in the world. Changbin obsessing over Hyunjin's every move. Showing his feelings for the younger by trying to get him to eat more since Hyunjin lost his appetite at the lovey dovey pair. Changbin always worries about the younger members like a mother hen, even his Hyung's sometimes. But especially Hyunjin.

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