It's A Bet

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"I'm telling you. They loved your outfit that day. We have to get you something sexy like that again. You will have our Hyungs on their knees, doing anything you ask." Felix told him honestly.

"I don't know... You really think so?" Han asked, unsure of his words. He was nervous. Wearing something like that takes a lot of confidence. Especially around people you want to impress. Even though they've seen you in every embarrassing way possible.

"I know so. Plus you lost the bet so you have to do what I say. And I say, I want to find you the perfect miniskirt to bring the others to their knees." Felix asked referring to the looks he's been throwing Lee Know recently.

He looked away knowing he was right. Now that he and Seungmin were theirs, he felt like they finally went back to being the old them. He and Lee Know haven't felt close in a really long time. But after they went on their first official date as boyfriends a month ago, they became inseparable again. Seungmin hated it at first until he started cuddling with them both.

He didn't seem to like the idea of sharing Han with the others. He'd become extremely jealous of anyone getting anything from Han if he didn't get it first. If Felix, Hyunjin, or Lee Know-the main culprits-kissed him he'd pout and sit quietly, close to him until he received one from Han too. And if someone was cuddling him, Seungmin would have a pissy attitude with them for the whole day, until he and Han went to bed together. Whether he means to or not he really can't help resembling a spoiled puppy.

Han found his jealousy endearing. The others found it plain annoying when he'd purposely fûck with them or piss them off just for touching Han inappropriately.

"Define inappropriate." Lee Know growled at Seungmin once, who had accused him of trying to get frisky with Han.

Seungmin snatched his hand off Han's thigh and pointed to him. "Right now. You saw how uncomfortable he was. He squeezed his legs together so you'd know not to touch him there and your hand still kept creeping up!"

Did they mention Seungmin's jealousy had been through the roof.

"Sounds to me like he's the one with inappropriate thoughts." Lee Know emphasized. "Plus he's my boyfriend too, I can touch him however I want." He grabbed Han's privates-who jumped- just for good measure. If it were a cartoon, there'd be steam coming out of Seungmin's ears.

Han laughed at the memory and Felix looked at him quizzically. Seungmin had calmed down his jealousy now that he'd successfully taken Han's virginity and vice versa. But it was such a dark time for the horny trio that is danceracha. They really can't keep their hands off of anyone in the house.

He shook away the memory and nodded to him. "Let's do it." He confirmed with more confidence.

Felix grinned brightly and grabbed his hand so they could go shopping. He dragged the poor quokka along to many stores. Even if he made him try on something and it wasn't the one, he'd keep it to buy him for later. Mostly crop tops, which Han didn't mind, since he knows his waist is snatched and the others always compliment him on it.

It was however bothersome, being taken in so many female stores and having so many eyes on two males there. Felix didn't seem to notice it but it did make Han wary, even if he covered his hair in a cap and wore a mask and glasses.

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