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Double Update! Merry Christmas 🎄

"Do you think we should invest in a bidet?" Hyunjin asked out of the blue. Him and Lee Know were getting ready for bed and waiting for Felix to come to the oldest room.

"Sure if you want." Lee Know said.

"It would just make it easier, you know. I use the ones at the club but when we're all together and eventually leave the club it'd come in handy rather than douches which can be messy. We keep buying them, and have to dump them out, put water in them. Buy wet wipes." Hyunjin said as he was putting on his pajamas, then brushed his hair, before finally applying his moisturizer and lip balm.

"We all stick to pretty strict diets so they shouldn't have to often. We'll just make a rule to include more veggies and fiber foods if needed." Lee Know told him from the bathroom as he just finished shaving, now wiping his face before coming back to the younger.

"Right, right, still-" Hyunjin was cut off at Felix entering the room with a smile and hiding something behind his back. Hyunjin immediately forgot what they were talking about, his attention being taken by the beauty.

"Hi baby." Lee Know greeted him first, walking over to stand in front of him and give him a light kiss on the lips.

Felix's smile made them unconsciously smile, completely smitten.

"What do you have there?" Hyunjin asked him, running his fingers through his hair comfortingly.

"Um I- my rules." Felix told them nervously. After they said he could be theirs when he gave them his rules, he wasted no time making them. Though he actually did think hard about them.

"Show us your rules Angel." Hyunjin told him.

So he shyly handed them his laptop he'd written up the document on.

"I call you trainers because that's what you are at the moment, I hope you don't mind. It's just a little weird to call Hyunjin Hyung." Felix whispered first.

Yongbok's Rules For Himself/His Trainers

1.) I will memorize the hand commands and perfect the sub positions to always please my trainers.

2.) I will learn to please and satisfy my trainers with my mouth, hands, and body.

3.) I will offer myself to them completely to use me how they see fit.

4.) I will worship their bodies as my only source of pleasure.

5.) I will inform my trainers of what I liked the most in a scene and what I would prefer.

6.) I only ask for my trainers Love and Attention in return.

"I'm very proud of you baby. These look very good." Lee Know praised him. Hyunjin gave him a head pat before Lee Know gave his scalp a soft scratch like you would a pet. Felix really enjoyed the attention. When they stopped he unconsciously moved his head in a way of asking them to continue. They both smiled adoringly.

"Hyunjin helped me." Felix told Lee Know who already assumed based on the similarities but that was fine. As long as they were both comfortable with their rules and roles.

"That's good. I will also continue to help you memorize our rules as well as both verbal and nonverbal commands by going through them everyday, even at home. Hyunjin will go over postures with you until you get them down as well. Is that okay?" Lee Know asked after informing him of the specifics.

"Yes." Felix confirmed relaxing comfortably on top of them. They had moved to the bed so he could feel more relaxed. Felix had finalized his rules last night. Now that he finished them he was ready to be theirs completely.

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