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Long conversation explaining BDSM

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Long conversation explaining BDSM

After practicing their asses off for hours it was finally time to have that talk about what happened yesterday and where to go from there. They showered and needed to have some privacy so they went to the master bedroom. It was separate from the other 8 bedrooms and no one used it, so it's better than their own bedrooms.

They all seemed to be nervous though as no one said anything when they actually got there. Felix was already blushing a deep shade of red as he had been all day from the embarrassment of remembering what happened.  He really doesn't know what came over him. He's never done something like that in his life but for some reason when he was with the both of them he couldn't say no. He had an urge to follow what Lee Know said obediently, like he was compelled. He did some research as well earlier that only brought more questions.

Hyunjin looked to Lee Know after studying Felix for a while, silently confirming. So Lee Know started "Felix." He called his attention softly, making him look up. "As you saw last night, we have a very unique relationship." Lee Know said, he didn't want to scare the younger or make him uncomfortable but he also wanted to be completely honest with what they wanted.

Felix only nodded blushing more at the remembrance of Hyunjin's spanking. It looked harsh and painful, like the oldest wasn't holding back. Yet how Hyunjin still seemed to enjoy it he couldn't fathom.

"I love you Felix, I really do, but I also love Lee Know Hyung, and I can't picture myself without either of you. I guess my question to you would be..." Hyunjin spoke looking from Felix to Lee Know for reassurance.

"Can you accept both of us?" Lee Know finished. Felix looked at him shocked. It's not like he wasn't completely expecting it after last night but still it was quite straightforward. Though he's been preparing to hear something like this since finding out about their relationship. He knew Hyunjin loved him as more than a friend and he didn't want to come between them when he admitted he felt the same. He just didn't expect Lee Know to also want him or to ask him to be a part of their relationship.

"You don't have to answer now, we actually want you to think about it since you would not only be joining our relationship but— well there would be things we'd need to teach you." Lee Know told him cautiously gauging his reaction.

"Of course you know what bdsm is right? Who doesn't nowadays, but before you freak out about any misconception of anything you may have seen or heard, we only want to show you what it's really like and the pleasure it may bring." Hyunjin told him, reaching to grab his hand in a comforting hold.

"To be frank. Me and Hyunjin are dominants, and we'd like you to be our submissive." Lee Know spoke frankly, making Felix sputter in surprise recoiling his hand from Hyunjin's in shock. This is a little too much for him.

"What Lee Know is trying to say is we only want the chance to introduce you to this position by training you and getting you familiar with some of our rules and ways. Then if you don't like it or at any moment become too uncomfortable we will stop immediately." Hyunjin explained further, trying to calm the younger into not shying away before they can even begin.

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