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But they still made sure to clean Felix up thoroughly and tuck him into the bed comfortably before going. It may have taken a few minutes but the master Dom would understand the sub comes first.

When they got to his office Lee Know knocked and waited to be allowed to enter.

"What the Fuck D?" Lee Know said. They didn't expect him to be literally fucking someone right in front of them. He didn't even stop our slow down when he started talking.

"What? Your boyfriend interrupted me earlier and then I couldn't even return to my pet and give him attention. Do you know why?" He asked them as he slowed down, giving his pet deep slow strokes to drag out his pleasure.

"Why?" Hyunjin asked, not looking at them at all. Other people that weren't his members did nothing for him honestly.

"Hm. Cause while you were attending to your member outside, I'm the one baby sitting your sub you forgot to supervise." He told them and their eyes widened. Lee Know was going to say something but was cut off quickly. "I'm not done." He speed up again and fucked into his sub harshly that gave no fucks other people were there as they moaned loudly. Both members cringed but didn't say a word as they came simultaneously.

He stayed inside as his sub laid down and looked to be going for a nap. "Never, ever, leave your sub unsupervised in the middle of a scene. I don't care if you thought you'd be gone 5 minutes. End it completely first. You left him blind folded with a vibrator in. That's so unprofessional! I had to watch him and make sure he didn't safe word as neither of you were there. I'm disappointed in you Minho. I trained you myself and Hyunjin being trained by you is no different than if it were me. So if anyone should know better than to make such rookie mistakes it's you two." He made sure Lee Know was hit with every word by staring directly at him.

Lee Know may be tough but his friend and old Dom really made him. This guy helped him heal mentally and emotionally when he needed it the most and was the only one to offer a helping hand to Lee Know before. He truly respected him and hearing he'd disappointed him even now, hurt.

"Don't make me regret choosing you. The others already look at me like I'm soft on you cause we're friends and I guess I am. But if this happens again, the neglect or the surprises you both will be punished severely. Is that understood?" He asked.

"Yes Sir. We're very sorry for causing trouble." Hyunjin said, bowing to him as an apology.

"Don't be sorry. Be careful." The master Dom told them. "Lee?" He questioned when the other didn't say anything.

"We're still sorry and I promise it won't happen again. But like you said Hyunjin was trained by me and knowing better I shouldn't have left our sub like that he should've stayed with him while I handled the situation. He shouldn't be punished for my mistakes." Lee Know finally said and Hyunjin quickly looked at him. He was ready to argue but D ended the conversation.

"Fine, you will be solely punished if this happens again. For now you'll both be on cleaning duty for a day, so come back when your available next week. Make no mistake, your friend was a surprise which I understand and since it's the first time this has happened I'm not too upset. I'm more upset about how you left your new sub no less." He told them and they nodded understanding. "Now I'm done. So you can get the fuck out." He finished.

They nodded and finally left the Dom's office. They said nothing until they got back to the room because the guards were still watching. When they did get back Felix was still sound asleep and Lee Know let out a sigh as soon as the door closed. But Hyunjin groaned "Why would you say that? We said we would be partners and share responsibilities."

Lee Know sighed again and turned to him, reaching out to hold his beautiful face gently in his hands. "Yet you're also my responsibility. And I will not let you be punished by anyone but me." He told him. He pressed their foreheads together and pulled Hyunjin's waist closer till their hips were pressed against each other.

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