Gay Panic

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They were waiting for their turn to take the stage after 3 other groups finished so they were just wasting time joking around to make each other less nervous. Han wasn't really paying attention more into his phone or at least it seemed that way to the members when in actuality he was trying not to make it so obvious how he couldn't keep his eyes off Lee Know Hyung.

Hyunjin saw though as he was always silently observing the members and he just smirked then payed attention to the other Maknae's cutely touching up each other's make up before the stage.

Until something did catch Han's eye on his phone that made him turn his full attention to it. He had been strolling on Twitter reading some replies from the last tweet when he saw a drawing.

 He had been strolling on Twitter reading some replies from the last tweet when he saw a drawing

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After staring at it a good 5 seconds he immediately shut off his phone. He couldn't do anything but sit and stare at the ground for another few seconds as he processed what he'd saw. It was definitely a drawing of Hyunjin and Felix kissing. He knew it wasn't real but his mind was running a thousand miles a minute. What disturbed him the most wasn't even how stay thought of them like that, it was how it made him feel that had him internally freaking out. It gave him the same fluttering in his stomach that a wink from Lee Know gave him and he had no idea why. He shouldn't think of one member the way he does let alone another one. Especially when he doesn't even know which one is making him feel like this.

His mind was a mess and he found himself pulling his hair out of frustration not even realizing he was trembling. But it caught the attention of Lee Know, Hyunjin, and Chan first. Chan was the first to him as he was the closest quickly followed by Lee Know who gently removed his hands from his hair and Hyunjin who kneeled down to be at eye level with him.

"What's wrong Hannie, are you nervous?" Chan asked softly as he didn't want to shake him up more. Han not knowing what to say just nodded as he didn't want to admit what he saw since one of the people in the drawing is in-front of him. "Don't be nervous. How many times have we done this, you'll be amazing you always are and we're always right there with you the whole time." Hyunjin says reassuringly while trying to make eye contact with him. Han was trying to calm down and collect himself but he couldn't look Jinnie in the eye he just kept picturing him kissing Felix.

Lee Know brought his head up by putting his hand under his chin so he could look him in the eye. "We're all nervous -well you all are, but when we get on the stage and see each other what do we do. Give our all and have fun that's all there is to it. No one expects anyone to not make a mistake every so often, except me- but we'll live if we do and no one will hate you for it afterwards." Lee Know tells him in his own style of comfort that gave Han a light laugh.

Hyunjin just scoffs asking "Do you have to be so conceded?" while rolling his eyes. "Says you Mr. Visual." Lee Know retorts. "Anyway let's take a second to breathe Hannie before we go on cause we're on in 10 okay? Make sure your okay." Chan says with a warm smile that actually relaxes Han and he takes a few deep breathes. It's okay we can deal with this later Han thought. He then nodded and slowly stood up "I'm okay" he said, so Hyunjin put his arm around his shoulder so they could all walk out and wait the last few minutes around the stage.

When they got on the stage he looked around to his members gaining some courage because now he actually was nervous but seeing them smiling at each other while stretching made him smile. The lights went out; he closed his eyes and took one more deep breath so when he opened them again he was a different person. He didn't think about how he felt earlier, the picture, or Lee Know Hyung he could only do what he loved and that was perform. He may have got his ass slapped by Lee Know that made him look at him with a blush and smile but he didn't let it rattle him as it wasn't anything new.

When they were done and were being ushered back behind the stage they all let out a breath of relief. "I told you, you would do amazing." Jinnie said with a smile and wrapped his arm around his shoulders again. Han gave him a smile back and a nod while being led back to the waiting room. They watched the performances on the tv and complimented him like crazy on how sexy he looked rapping especially Jinnie and Minho which made him blush. The members all laughed at Minnie's adorable ending fairy and cheered at how sexy Hyunjin was then they were on their way to the cars surrounded by their managers and body guards to head back home.

Soon as he got in the car he felt like all his energy was drained from his body. He decided to take a nap since it's a bit of a long ride anyway but he didn't know if that was gonna happen since all of loudracha happened to be in his car: Minho, Changbin, & Hyunjin including him since he was probably the loudest member of all.

Jinnie was in the seat beside him with Changbin and Lee Know in the back shouting about who knows what already. He just pulled out his phone as he knows he's not gonna get any sleep anytime soon and clicks the button to turn it back on and unlocks it. He forgot what was on the screen before he turned it off earlier honestly and went to exit the app before the person next to him saw but he wasn't fast enough.

Hyunjin who has been texting Felix just now didn't mean to actually look at Han's phone he was about to turn around and tell the members in the back to shut up when he saw it. He quickly snatched Han's phone before Han could even blink. "What's this Hannie?" He asked as he looked a little harder and squinted "Is that me... And Felix." Han didn't know what to say as Hyunjin only looked up from the picture to glance at him once before staring hard again. "This is actually a really great drawing whoever did it." When he said this Han looked at him quizzically. That's what you care about? Han thought.

"What is it?" Changbin asked as it caught their attention when Hyunjin snatched his phone. Hyunjin showed them both the picture and Han's cheeks burned even more this was not how he thought the car ride was gonna go. "Alright now that you've all saw it." Han finally found the courage to say as he snatched his phone back. "I found it on Twitter I wasn't looking for it or anything I just saw it in reply to one of our tweets."

"I see, it's not the first time I've seen art like that of us, I've seen all the ships. Minsung, changlix, chanlix, seungjin, seungin, I've even read some Wattpad stories which is where they really let their imagination run wild." Hyunjin said it so nonchalantly that Han was just starstruck. Lee Know just laughed while Changbin asked "Wait let me get this straight you've read books about us in relationships with each other." Hyunjin shrugged "Yeah some of them can get pretty graphic and make my mind wander too." When he said this he shared a look with Lee Know like they were reading each other's minds they both smirked and Han was majorly confused on what the hell was going on. So was Changbin from how his mouth dropped.

"I- I don't even know what to say, I'm going to sleep wake me when we get home." Han said as that conversation just exhausted him more. "Kay sweet dreams baby." Hyunjin said while patting Han's thigh before resting his hand there. It made Han blush again as he closed his eyes but couldn't actually rest as his mind was still going and now his heart beat picked up because of Hyunjin's large hand resting on his thigh. Now he knew why the picture made him feel the way it did. There was no doubt about it, he liked Hyunjin the same way he liked Lee Know he just didn't know it until now.

Vote and Comment: If You Want This Fan Art of HyunLix to Happen.

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