Excuse Me, Say What?! / You Want To?...Huh?!

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"You guys are assholes." Seungmin called them.

"What are you on about?" The confused couple replied. He literally just started with them as soon as he saw them. They had just gotten back after completing about 6 interviews during the day. All the videos planning to be posted later on after they finished the comeback shows. He seemed fine during the filming but in reality they're all good actors. If he was feeling a certain way he could hide it from the fans if he really set his mind to it. That meant he could also keep it from them too.

"Seriously, am I that scary? How exactly do you think I'll react to you just telling me the truth? Instead, even after we all knew how it felt to be lied to, you chose to lie straight to my face." Seungmin was furious. It took them a few seconds to realize but when they did, their eyes widened in guilt. "Yeah." He huffed, turning his back to them and walking away.

"Wait! Seungmin!" He ignored I.N's words, continuing farther away.

They remember after they shared their first night together they didn't tell him the truth of who IN was with. They even made such a stupid elaborate lie, and he believed it. Mostly because he didn't think they'd lie about such a thing after everything.

"I'm such an asshole." Chan complained guiltily.

"And what does that make me. I know how he is, we're the closest." IN told him.

"Fine we're both idiots. How do we make it up to him." Chan sighed.

"He felt like an idiot, I'm sure. We may have to gravel at his feet for awhile." IN suggests.

Chan nodded. That was 3 weeks ago.

After Felix was finally claimed by the HyunHo couple they tried introducing Changbin to the scene but every time they brought it up he'd change the subject or simply run away. They did other couple things together, dates, buy each other random gifts, cuddled- a lot of cuddling. They've kinda taken over the master bedroom since it has the biggest bed and sleep together every night. They've not had sex with Changbin yet, only small things, kissing, blow jobs, hand jobs. It honestly reminded HyunHo of when they first got together. But they were not adolescents anymore and wanted to figure out what was scaring their boyfriend.

Seungmin and Han were in their own world most of the time. Though Seungmin seemed happier recently only when around him. He hasn't had a problem with his new Dominants yet, because he's very well behaved. But sometimes it is hard to calm him down when he's being particularly hyper sexual in Puppy space.

The others aside, Chan had plans for him and IN tonight because he really wanted to take him on a date. Just the two of them. They separately got ready for the night, meeting downstairs by the door.

As Chan was waiting for him to come down for some reason he was becoming more nervous. It was their first date officially as a couple. But as he saw his beautiful boyfriend descending the stairs he lost his train of thoughts as well as his breath.

 But as he saw his beautiful boyfriend descending the stairs he lost his train of thoughts as well as his breath

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