Let's Play A Game (Christmas Special)

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^^Check Before This Chapter For^^
"It's a Date & It's a Date 2"

Merry Christmas!!! 🎄


Merry Bang Chan-T-Mas🤍💚


"What are we? Children." Changbin asked. The others all acted so interested in such a childish idea.

"Actually yes, considering some of us missed such experiences like going to parties, playing spin the bottle or 7 minutes in heaven. And since I'm drunk asf I want to make out, or fûck. Doesn't really matter, I'm just horny." I.N said boastfully. He was indeed drunk as fûck. And yet he'd probably had close to the least out of everyone to drink. He and Seungmin were severe light weights. Seungmin just about as far off as he. His head lolling around while his mind was in the clouds. Meanwhile they only had 3 shots.

Felix had 4 and was definitely tipsy. Han and Hyunjin had 5. While the hyungs were all head to head having downed 8 in only the hour they were playing childish games. And yet they seemed the most sober. You can tell who built a tolerance.

Hyunjin sat behind Han feeling him up and groping all around with his head on his shoulder like he was tired. Han either didn't mind or didn't notice the touches, only focused on yelling his head off at Changbin. I.N and Felix had started making out quickly after his statement since they were the closest. Don't know how it happened but they were definitely going at it. Seungmin was definitely not there anymore mentally. He was too spaced out to notice anything at the moment. Chan and Lee Know were coming up with something fun to do instead of the drunk ones taking anymore shots.

"Alright, so everyone is down?" Chan asked just in case. Even if they were too drunk to give clear answers everyone agreed their own way.

"Good." Lee Know nodded. He set a timer on his phone for 20 minutes. "3, 2, 1." As soon as he hit start the maknaes took off to their rooms. Well, Han stopped to grab Seungmin and drag him too. Felix and I.N ran away giggling and tripping a long the way.

"Hyunjin where are you going?" Changbin asked the tall male. He could barely walk but he was following the others.

"You guys are gonna lose. I want to be on their team." He said whining.

"Oh come on. If you join us it'll be 4 and 4. You're already considered Hyung line." Chan tried to coax him. They will seriously lose if he joins them instead. The man oozes sex appeal. They definitely need him if they want to win.

"I don't know why. I'm only a few months older than the others, not even a year, except I.N. So I can join either team and I say, they are going to have your dicks harder than the ice popsicle outside during winter so shhh. I need to go change into something sexy enough for you guys to run a train on me tonight." Chan and Changbin's eyes widened at his last statement. He may also be a little tipsy but now Chan kind of didn't mind what team he was on. He just wanted to see him go all out.

Hyunjin had started walking to his room since they were too stunned to say anything else.

"Fûck." Changbin said under his breath. Just thinking about taking turns on him was making them hard. "Anyway, what are you gonna do Minho hyung?" He asked, the unusually quiet man.

Lee Know just shrugged. "Nothing."

"Nothing?!" "Nothing."

The man nodded, not at all minding their petrified stares.

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