Let Me Teach You

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-Lesbian Video

A/N- I really didn't plan  for this Book to be Hyunjin centered it's just sorta happening.

A/N-  I really didn't plan  for this Book to be Hyunjin centered it's just sorta happening

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The movie night went better than expected. No arguing or fighting, I think everyone needed a reminder as much as Felix did, that they're still here for each other. They weren't the family Felix was born with but they loved him no less. They all cuddled on the long couch infront of the screen. Chan and Hyunjin on either side of Felix to give him the best cuddles while he sat in the middle. You could tell Changbin and Seungmin took the end seats so they could be the furthest away from Hyunjin and Minho but they just sat quietly through the movie. Chan decided on a comedy since he figured they all could use a good laugh or two at the moment. They knew it wouldn't be the same for awhile since everyone pretty much felt like they couldn't trust the couple but they still enjoyed being all together in that moment.

Hyunjin tried to give Felix as much comfort as possible to cheer the other up and cuddles always seemed to do the trick. Even though Felix felt warm and protected by the bodies of Chan and Hyunjin while being wrapped in fluffy blankets, he couldn't help glancing at Changbin throughout the movie wishing he was closer. Hyunjin saw this and could almost read his mind from the expression he was making. Felix never failed to complement Changbin's muscles because he really did love touching them. He loved to feel his thick arms around him that could easily manhandle him. But he just rested his head on Chan's strong broad shoulders that were equally as addicting. Sue him if he wanted to feel all of his favorite boys around him when he was upset. They felt like home, not just Chan, Changbin, and Hyunjin, but all the members reminded him that he would never be truly alone because they are his family to.

After the movie successfully ended with them all enjoying themselves and having quite a few laughs thanks to Ryan's amazing movie Deadpool, they were mostly somewhat tired and were gonna head back to their rooms to call it a day before being stopped by Hyunjin and Minho. "Wait a sec! Felix and Channie Hyung especially we got a surprise for you yeah." Hyunjin told them as Minho rushed out with a "Be right back." The other members sat back down confused while Hyunjin set up a camera in front of them and a laptop to the projector. He didn't say anything as he resumed his position next to Felix with a huge grin and waited for Minho to come back which he did shortly after Hyunjin was done, a tray of food in hand. Before Chan could ask what was going on Minho turned back off the lights as Hyunjin was making a call. Hyunjin's call rung aloud for three tones before the screen was coming back on again.

On the screen showed four huge faces that Chan and Felix did not expect to see. It was their parents, with big smiles as they looked back at them, happy to see their babies all snuggled up looking soft in their blankets and pajamas. Chan gasped as Felix almost started crying again. They called their parents as much as they could in between schedules but it was getting so busy that it was hard to even hear their voices let alone see their faces on a facetime. The screen was so big that it almost felt like they could reach out and touch them. Maybe that was why Jinnie gave Felix an oversized teddy before the movie started, he knew he'd want to squeeze the life out of something wishing it was his parents warm embrace.

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