Teach me

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"Innie... How much longer are we going to practice." Chan asked the younger who tried to capture his lips again. They had been making out for the past 10 minutes and it was becoming increasingly hard to hide his problem. Not to mention painful. Sue him, how could he not be turned on by the other who was naturally a really good kisser.

"Just a little longer please, I want to practice this move I learned with my tongue." He said, giving the older those big doe eyes begging him to continue. And Chan sighed because there was literally no telling him no. This is sorta how the last few sessions went...

"Okay but that's it. This has gone on long enough." Chan said finally, staring in the younger's eyes so he knows he's being serious this time. IN agreed, just to make him relax again.

When he was relaxed and readily anticipating IN's next move the younger leaned in again. They held eye contact as long as they could before their lips met in another passionate kiss. IN ran his tongue over Chan's lips asking for entrance. The older reluctantly opened his mouth,
letting IN glide his tongue over his effortlessly. Until I.N rolled his tongue in a specific way that immediately brought a moan out of Chan unexpectedly. Even IN stopped and pulled back to look at the older.

"Did you just?" The younger asked, shocked. Chan was always hiding his reactions and how good it felt when they were making out, so hearing him so clearly brought out something in IN.

"I-I didn't-" Chan said rushed trying to back away from him, and put some distance between them. But IN stopped him, grabbing both his wrist and pulling him impossibly close.

"Don't run from me." IN said right before kissing him again, rougher this time. He
bit his bottom lip harshly making Chan gasp surprised, then he shoved his tongue back in his mouth, swirling them together before doing the same move of running his tongue across his teeth, getting just as sweet a reaction as last time. "You really like that huh." He said with a smirk as they had to catch their breath. He watched Chan's cheeks tinge redder after the flush he already was. Then he started leaving light kisses down his neck. He softly kissed his ear giving a gentle nibble to his upper lobe before whispering in the older' ear, "I can do much more." He emphasized.

Chan was looking for a way out of the situation as this was too much already for him to handle. His conscious was screaming at him to pull away but his body betraying him, leaned in to the pleasure. He turned his head submissively, offering more of his skin. Just his luck though, there was a knock on the door.

"Go away!" IN shouted at whoever was on the other side, not wanting any distractions at the moment when he was finally getting what he always wanted. But Chan took the opportunity to pull away from him and rush to the door. He opened it quickly, internally thanking Changbin who stood on the other side mid knock.

"Oh, just wanted to ask when you wanted to work on that new single for October?" Changbin said, peeking into the room to see what he was doing that he looked so red and rushed. He saw IN and was gonna say Hi but was cut off by both of them.

"Now." "Later."

"Uh, okay?" Changbin said confused. Chan looked at IN and sighed.

"We can talk later Innie. Right now we have to work." Chan said emphasizing the talk and trying to signal him with his eyes to leave the room.

"Fine. We definitely will continue this conversation later." IN said finally leaving Chan's room and the older released a breath when he was gone.

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