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"Call him. Now." Felix commanded.

Han held the phone to his chest like he was protecting his baby since Felix was trying to snatch it from him.

"Okay, ok. Just let me prepare myself." Felix rolled his eyes because Han was acting like a school girl about to call her crush.

"Do I need to rethink this, if you actually like him? You're not gonna be the one to catch feelings are you?" Felix asked him, arrantly. It would be a shame to plan to bring your soon to be boyfriends together by adding a 3rd party to spark jealousy only for one of them to actually get taken by said added party.

"No, of course not?! I'll call him now." Han floundered about to call the chef, trying not to seem suspicious but his actions proved more worrisome. Felix side eyed him and Han chose to ignore it as the dial tone ended.

"Hello?" Of fuck! Han thought. Why did he answer?

"Um hi." His hand moved unconsciously as if the man could see him and he rolled his eyes at himself.

"Hi... Who is this?" Right, he never talked to him so he doesn't have his number.

"You remember the really bad helper that ate more food than he made from a few weeks ago? Who said some really embarrassing things that you weren't supposed to hear to my band mate's?" Han rushed out anxiously.

"If he had cute chubby cheeks, and said something along the lines of, 'I'd smash' I think it's ringing a bell." Minji teased. He was smiling on the other end, welcoming the surprise. It's been 2 weeks and he didn't actually think he'd be receiving a call. Assumed the man was out of his league.

Han let out a stiff chuckle. He put his hand to his forehead, shaking it in embarrassment. Felix was watching him but he has yet to put it on speaker so he couldn't hear the other end. "Yep, that's me. Ever the memorable squirrel."

"So, to what do I owe the pleasure?" From the apprehension in Han's voice he had a feeling this wasn't a social call.

"Glad you asked..." Han pulled the phone away for his ear and muted himself. "This was your idea. What do I say?" He asked Felix finally.

"Tell him the truth. Or ask him out and tell him then." Felix didn't want to play with the man's feelings, just use him.

"You want me to ask him out? Are you crazy?!" Han exasperated, looking at him ridiculously.

"It's not serious, it's just to help Seungmin see things clearly. People don't usually notice what they have, until it's gone." That was the truth to anyone who knows it. It takes for people to lose things, or rather someone they love to realize what they meant to them. "So are you going to keep him waiting?" Felix gestured to the phone.


Han let out a breath, and unmuted, putting it on speaker. "Sorry about that, one of my roommates tends to like barging in and sharing his crazy ideas." He looked at Felix when he said that, who looked back at him straight faced. "Anyway um, I may have a proposition for you."

"If it ends with you and me, I'm all in." This man was a serious flirt. Since the moment he met him. Han muted himself again.

"I can't do it." He confessed to Felix. Just knowing the guy is clearly into him, was making him guilty.

"It's okay." Felix placed his hand on his shoulder reassuringly. "And sorry." Han looked at him confused.

Then Felix snatched the phone out his hand and unmuted before his protest. "Hi - it's Felix. You should know the name since I'm sure you researched us after we left. Anyway, as for Han's proposition, we need your help. More specifically we want you to continue your role as Han's latest love interest to make our best friend jealous. You and him may not happen, since he's already in love with someone but you can still help him." Han could only stare at him with his jaw dropped.

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