Puppy's Kitty!

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Hey, How You Doing?😏


The kitten yelped in pain. Seungmin let go of his arm when he was poped by Lee Know on his bum.

"Min go to your cage now!" The puppy whined. Sulking for his attention. He didn't want his owner angry with him. But he could tell from his facial expression he wasn't gonna go easy on him this time. "Now!" Seungmin's pout was so sad but he couldn't go without being punished when he broke through skin with that bite. He'd never even bit his owners that hard.

They understood it would take time for him to get used to sharing with kitten. But it's been a month and he still bites him whenever Felix is getting more attention. The kicker is they share the attention equally with them. They bath them together, feed them together, play with them together and separately. But never does one get more than the other. But whenever it's Felix turn to get something Seungmin flips out. It could be a treat for showing Felix how good he's been and Seungmin will take it from him. Or if they're giving Felix pets and rubs he'll try to push him out of the way to get some himself.

They started to think maybe having two pets wasn't such a good idea. Felix didn't have a pet space he just liked role playing for his owners. And he was very good at it. He became such a good pet in such short time, like it was natural for him. But if Seungmin kept behaving that way, they didn't want him to get hurt.

Seungmin had trudged away to their cage. Hyunjin locked it behind him as he pouted and whined, sulking. It was a big cage, that was the base of the pet play rooms bed. He hated being there. It was cold and lonely. He couldn't see his owners or his play mate. It was only him and his stuffies. He sniffed his stuffies, making sure they still smelled like his owners and circled around to get comfortable. He'd probably be there for a while. Last time he bit the kitten he stayed in so long till he cried himself to sleep and woke up and they still didn't let him out, even to pee. They'd only fed him inside too. He didn't want that this time. But he didn't think about that before bitting the kitten. He was just so angry.

Every time Felix is around his owner Appa, looks at him like, he's just everything. He doesn't like it. Not one bit. Appa was his first.

The kitty never gets punished but he always does. He doesn't know that's because he always does something bad. And the only reaction he can get from his owner, is when he does something to the kitten. Why does he have to be punished for hurting him? The kitten should be punished for stealing. He thought.

Actually in truth it's not that he didn't like the kitten. Kitty is really cute. Adorable even. Every-time he sees him, he wants to pounce. And he usually does. Their sessions often start with him making the kitten mewl and tasting his delicious cûm.

He just wish he didn't have to share with him. He wished his owners would stay his alone and his playmate would only play with him and then the kitten could be his friend that only played with him. That's what he wanted.

He was a bit selfish.

But it didn't seem to matter what he wanted. His owners wanted kitten too, so he had to make kitten want to leave by himself. He didn't like hurting him. But he was trying to get him away from his owners.

His thoughts were cut off by the cute little kitten himself.

He stared confused as he crawled into the cage with him, Lee Know shutting the entrance and locking it. He gave the kitten the same scary look he often gets.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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