Dressing Room

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Han had just texted the driver the address he was going to and was waiting patiently in the living area for him to arrive. The house was actually quiet for once since everyone seemed to be off doing their own thing and Danceracha were probably at the studio practicing. Overall Han was bored so he wanted to go out. He'd have preferred to go find something delicious to eat with Minho Hyung but he didn't know when they'd be back.

The driver arrived in about 20 minutes and since he was tired he figured he'd stop and get some coffee first. Then, maybe just go walk around and see if he gets inspired or something. But the first thing the driver said when he got in was "Why didn't you go with the others?" Han was confused because who was he talking about?
"Your buddies? They went to the same café earlier. If you were going to the same place why didn't you just ride together? You and the older one used to go out a lot I remember. Now he always seems to be glued to Hyunjin's side." The driver said nonchalantly and shrugged.

Ignoring the fact the driver only seemed to remember Hyunjin's name, Han just said. "I wasn't ready earlier." That was a lie but he didn't need to know that the truth was the others hadn't invited him. The driver grumbled something under his breath before starting the car. Not 10 minutes later they both heard a ding from his phone. Han almost shouted when he blatantly picked up the phone staring at it instead of the road. Who the hell hired this guy? Is what Han thought.

"Well your boyfriend just texted that they're ready now so I guess they got tired of waiting. You still going?" He said to Han who never noticed how rude the guy was until now. He was always a little weird because he always seemed to be staring at Hyunjin but he'd never talked to Han this kind of way before. Maybe because he'd never been alone in the car with him. Since Han didn't like confrontation he wasn't going to mention it to him, assuming his boyfriend was Lee Know. Any other day that statement might have made him blush. Coming from him though it was almost accusing.

"Yeah." Han just told him and chose to tune him out the rest of the way. It wasn't a long ride and they both immediately noticed the trio as soon as they arrived. It doesn't seem like they expected the driver to arrive so quickly since they were coming from the most suspicious looking building, walking across the street to the cafe but Han noticed Lee Know looking around as if he could feel their eyes on him. They both let out a "What the hell?" because where were they coming from? The building's exterior looked like it was abandoned honestly and the blacked out windows almost made him think it was a club. But what the hell would Danceracha be doing at a club in the middle of the day? Dressed like that. Han was confused, but more importantly it looked like they were still keeping secrets. All Han hoped was that they weren't in a cult.
They both watched them for a good 5 minutes not saying anything until Han said "I'll go back home with them so no need to drop me off." while texting Hyunjin's phone. "Pick me up a latte since you're already there butt head. And stop drinking Americanos, your going to become just as bitter."

Hyunjin quickly looked up and around confused on how the hell he knew what he was drinking and where he was. He also jumped, letting out a very inappropriate sound that had the people around them also turning heads as his Hyung chose that moment to turn back on the device he'd been anticipating until Han distracted him. Han on the other hand had no idea what happened and decided to text all three of them "Look up B*tches."

And they did, surprised to see the car already there and Han waving from the back. They got up and headed to the car except Hyunjin being a good bestie and quickly getting Han his latte, in the biggest size at that.

"When did you get here?" "Why are you here?" Are the first things out of Felix and Lee Knows mouth as they climb in.
"Well, Hello to you too. I'm great thanks." Han said instead, looking at the driver through the rear view mirror hoping he wouldn't say anything about seeing them earlier. He turned away from Han and started the car, seeming to understand to keep quiet. When Hyunjin got in and put on his seatbelt and Han had secured his drink they pulled off to head back home. Hyunjin who was sitting next to Han kept squirming and moving around uncomfortably as if he had ants in his pants. "Are you okay?" Han asked him.

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