Let's Talk 2

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"Okay." Lee Know agreed easily.

"Okay?" Seungmin questioned him, not trusting the simple answer.

"Yes. Your safety comes first. And I'm here to care for you." He confirmed.

"I'm serious, don't think I'll change my mind. Even if I'm in sub or pup space and come onto you, you can't take advantage. I'm so excited I jump onto anyone, so it doesn't mean anything." Soon as these words came out of Seungmin's mouth Han literally felt his heart rip. Even he didn't know how deeply he's been relying on Seungmin till now. How hard he'd been falling for him.

He knew the younger wasn't himself then but, he'd just assumed it was the part of him that deep down also wanted him too. The part of him that didn't have to hold himself back and goes for exactly what he wants.

He took a step back before turning to the door so the other two didn't see a stray tear falling to his lips and making them just a bit salty, before he quickly wiped it away. He briskly walked to exit the room while the other two weren't paying attention.

"Shit." Seungmin saw the movement in the corner of his eye but Han was already out of the room before he could call out. He didn't mean it but he can't tell him that either. It's best not to lead him on when they can't ever be anything more than friends.

"I won't touch you if you don't want me to. I'm not into non consensual. I prefer my partners to beg." Lee Know told him. He didn't notice the beginning of Han's broken heart.

"Ugh, shut up you perve." Is what he said but his face went beet red.

"Now! ChangJinBok have been blowing up my phone for the past hour as it seems they really want to talk to me about something so, I will go tend to them. And even if I would rather not I will be contacting your previous mistress to send me your paperwork. So you rest some more for now and I will wake you for dinner, then we can go over me and Hyunjin-ah's rules okay. Sound good?" Lee Know asked but it was already an order.

Seungmin nodded and Lee Know raised an eyebrow before turning his head to the side and cupping his ear.

"Yesss Sir. Sounds great." Seungmin said sarcastically holding back a laugh at his dramatics.

"Sir is fine but you can also just keep calling me Hyung. See you later pet." He sent him a smile before leaving.

Seungmin did as he said and laid back down with a nagging feeling, he brushed it away for now. Though he would usually change out of his pup play gear his body hurt too much to complete such a task alone. He knows he'll also have to speak to Han but maybe dream land will help him figure out what to say first.

Lee Know searched for the three all over the house, calling out to them, only to find them in the backyard ignoring him. Or Hyunjin and Changbin ignoring him while covering Felix mouth so he can't reply. "The little shits."

"What do you want?" He asked when he came out the door. The backyard was pretty big and wide, surrounded by a 8ft fence giving them complete privacy.

"Answer me you fucks or I'm going back inside and won't bring it up again. You kept calling me so spill." He said, getting agitated when they just sat quietly looking the other way. Felix was mumbling behind Hyunjin's hand before Lee Know snatched it away.

"Changbin wants to join the relationship bye!" Felix said before running off back inside the house.

"You little-" Changbin snapped his head over to him. He knew he heard everything earlier.

"Really?" Lee Know questioned him trying not to smile.

"I haven't agreed to anything yet." Changbin huffed finally.

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