Want So Bad

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Before The Chaos Reigned......

The couple turned trouple, turned quad, and now a possible polyamorous relationship between 6 persons was kind of thriving. They were closer than ever and open to each other in their relationship. The other two that weren't a part of the circle of love were thriving in their own way. Not together intimately, but closer than friends. That was only because the puppy man could not get out of his head. Although he was not blind to the change in the atmosphere.

Seungmin exited the media room. He couldn't take the secret glances, kisses, romantic touches. He felt like he was suffocating. Not surprisingly, Han followed him, seeing his distress.

"Are you okay?" He asked, concerned seeing him shaking.

"Are you with them too?" Seungmin asked. He wanted to ask for a while but was too afraid to hear the answer. He didn't look at him either, only speaking with his back to him.

"What are you talking about?" Han was only confused.

"Minho Hyung and Hyunjin. The rest of them seem to have flocked to them like a moth to a flame. They don't have to say it anymore. It's obvious."

"What? No. I-"

"But you want to be." He stressed, cutting him off before he could hear his excuses.

"Well.." He couldn't deny it. Of course he wanted to be with them.

"Of course." He shook his head, laughing at his own idosy. He's been so selfish as to think he could keep him by his side without having anything to offer.

"And what about you? Are you gonna tell me you really don't wanna be?" Han exasperated.

"Yes! Because I can't." He sighed. Like his parents used to say, "No one will ever love you. You'll die alone! That I promise you!" So why even try? Just to get his heart broken later.

"What does that mean? Give me a reason!" Han didn't want to be upset with him. But he couldn't understand his way of thinking. He only keeps saying the same thing.

"I can't! That is the reason! I'm not even supposed to want you! But I can't fucking help it and it's driving me crazy!" He couldn't help pulling his hair in frustration.

"Then stop thinking. Don't use your head and just go with what you feel." He told him, coming closer. He pulled his hands out of his hair and placed one on his chest. He stood in front of him but Seungmin still wouldn't look at him. He couldn't, too afraid of his own feelings.

"I can't. Because what I feel isn't right." Han didn't know what to say or how to help him.

"Is that what you think of us?" He asked carefully.

"No?! Of course not. It's just-"

"Then why does what you feel seem wrong? If it's okay for us." He has a point. But Seungmin shook his head confused. He was always told what he felt was wrong, so it had to be. His family wouldn't hate him if it wasn't.

"Look at me Min." Han's hand felt so gentle against his skin. Like he didn't want to hurt him. Like he was afraid he could break him. Seungmin had never felt such a touch from anyone. He couldn't help but lean into it.

His hand on his cheek brought his head up so they were eye level. Han couldn't look away from those broken eyes.

"There's nothing wrong with you. Because you're with me. I'm right here. No one else. And with me, and the others, no one can hurt you." Han promised him. He told him the same words Seungmin often told him, when he woke from his night mares.

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