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The MINSUNG Updates are
"It's a Date & It's a Date 2"
Before "Let's Play A Game"

The MINSUNG Updates are"It's a Date & It's a Date 2" Before "Let's Play A Game"

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After the game, the hyungs asked them what they want. Hyunjin spoke first, already having an idea, as the younger ones thought about it.

"I want to..." He trailed off and smirked. He looked to Lee Know, before looking away and the older felt his stomach drop. He knew exactly what he wanted. It was what he always wanted from the man. Was that why he wanted to be on another team? He had no doubt in his mind that was why. "...You guys go first." He told the maknaes.

Lee Know couldn't breathe a sigh of relief until he said what he wanted and chose to watch him wearily instead.

"Well iii want to watch our Hyungs, have sex." Felix blurted his request. Chan and Changbin's eyes widened.

"I'm sorry what?" Changbin was in no way expecting that to come out of his mouth and Chan was stuck with his mouth dropped.

"That's a really good idea. I want that too." I.N chimed, happy with Felix wish. He knew it would be so hot.

Seungmin thought about it, before nodding that he too agrees with that being a good request.

Han however pouted. "Why wouldn't you want us to get fûcked? Why them?" He asked sulking.

"Ji, you can get fûcked anytime you want. By anyone. I doubt you'd even have to ask. Just walk around with one of the skirts I bought you and you'll get ravished. Our Hyungs however need a little push. They all fear being on the receiving end and I want them to see how good it feels." Han nodded to Felix, understanding now why it was a good idea.

He clapped happily. "Yeah, I want that too!"

Lee Know looked at them all horrified. Have they lost their minds? He was all for it, until they included all of them as a receiver.

"Wow Felix. I didn't know we were thinking the same thing. Well, almost. Hyung knows what I want. Don't you Lee Know ssi?" Hyunjin asked, the irritated looking man.

"And what did I tell you before?" The older hissed.

"You made the game. You're the ones that said anything we want." Hyunjin shrugged.

"What do you want Hyunjin?" Seungmin asked, wary of Lee Know's glare aimed at the tall male.

"To take. Hyung's. Virginity." He smiled so brightly, while Lee Know shook his head pitifully.

"It's not happening." He quickly assured.

"Oh but it is. That's what I want." Hyunjin argued.

"Screw that. Pick something else." Lee Know said.

"No." Hyunjin was being just as stubborn.

"I'm not-!" He started.

"We lost babe. It's not that serious. The youngers take us all the time. How bad can it be?" Chan asked.

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