Rules 2

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"It seems I need to make your first rule, Always follow my commands immediately. Verbal or none verbal." Lee Know told him before turning to Hyunjin. He made a hand gesture and Hyunjin immediately started taking off his clothes. Felix was very confused and still hadn't moved to remove anything.

"I don't like repeating myself Felix, so if I have to say it again, you are not going to like it either." Lee Know told him, crossing his arms and giving him a blank stare. Since he was serious Felix slowly started to get undressed, his head down to avoid their eyes. Unlike yesterday where he was consumed by lust, he was fully conscious now and he's sure his nervousness showed.

"You may keep your boxers on for now." He said and Felix nodded standing awkwardly in only his boxers with his head down. His arms were crossed over his body in an attempt to hide it. "Now, the gesture I just gave Hyunjin, you will learn and many more. They are not hard to memorize as we will practice them everyday." His Hyung said showing Hyunjin another which made him assume a position. He got down on his knees putting his hands behind his back, spreading his legs, and arching his back. His head was down and after looking over his body Felix noticed he didn't have anything covering his lower regions. He blushed hard as he saw Hyunjin was already half hard and so displayed.

"Felix assume this position. It's called kneel exposed. Look at Hyunjin and try your best to copy him. I will correct you where you need." Felix nodded at this and tried his best to mimic the position. When he thinks he's got it he looks up at Lee Know for reassurance. "Very good." Lee Know said before going to one of the walls covered in items and grabbing some kind of leather stick.

"This is a riding crop. It can be used for punishments or for pleasure depending on where you hit and the amount of force. For now, I'm just using it to correct you. So-" He took the riding crop and slid it up Felix's spine making him shiver. His free hand touched his shoulder and made him arch his back a little more the crop in the center of his spine, grounding him. "-arch your back like this, and keep your head down. Do not look up at me, do not look at Hyunjin. This is the position you will automatically assume when we train." His Hyung said while softly caressing his face to guide his head down. Felix thought this was okay so far. Even though he was embarrassed about being displayed and the center of attention.

"You will not look at or speak to me or Hyunjin without permission when in this position. For the first phase of training I will be introducing you to the instruments intimately by showing you how we use them. For instance-" Lee Know cut off with a snap. Felix had no idea where he was with his head down, he could only follow his voice. He also thinks he heard Hyunjin whimper.

"You may look up Yongbok. Watch." He was told so he did, but he did not expect it. When his eyes met Lee Knows he showed him how the riding crop was used alright, on Hyunjin.

The first strike was against his lower back, going farther down to his bum which made Felix involuntarily jump when Hyunjin did. He hit the other cheek making Hyunjin moan again. It was safe to say Felix definitely wanted to know what it felt like that it could bring a moan out of him so easily. He came around to Hyunjin's front and Felix was surprised again as the riding crop came down, right against his groin. He heard as Hyunjin let out a choked gasp and watched as a little precum ran down his length. As Hyunjin tried to close his legs on reflex Lee Know stepped between them keeping them open and essentially putting Hyunjin in the direct position to give him a blowjob. Hyunjin seemed to notice as he leaned his head against Lee Know's thighs before kissing his cock over his clothes. Lee Know pressed his lips into a thin line as the other mouthed over his clothed dick before taking a step back.

"Later baby, I promise. Resume." he told him, allowing Hyunjin to drop his position and resume normal. He definitely wouldn't mind some relief from his growing erection but they had other priorities, aka Felix who was still watching and waiting for instructions.

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