Someone's Here

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"Fuck! What the Hell did I just do?" Chan shouted, only after they did it.

"You did what we both wanted." IN told the older. He looked like he was gonna freak out, so IN sat up to put a comforting hand on his shoulder. But he winced and fell back down because of the pain in his ass.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry." Chan said sympathetically, pulling his own hair. "I don't know what came over me I-I-"

"Don't do that." IN commanded and Chan turned to him. "What do you have to be sorry about? We both wanted this, so don't make excuses or apologize to me. I wanted you and I still do. That just proved to me you want me too." He told him, looking into Chan's eyes seriously. He didn't need his regret after what they'd just done. You don't just go back to normal after fucking your best friend you've been in love with for years. It just doesn't work that way, and IN refused to revert back to square one.

"I- It's not that. I just..." Chan looked away from him truly embarrassed with how he acted. "I didn't.. mean to be so rough." He could tell the younger was a virgin from the way his hole clinched and spasmed when he entered him. He was anything but relaxed yet Chan still was quite an asshole only thinking with his dick and how good his tight warmth felt. He was extremely guilty now that the moment was over.

"That's it?" IN asked, expecting he would regret the whole ordeal. "If you couldn't tell already. I loved it." He said with a light smile. And he truly did. He loved seeing him so into it he lost control of himself. Plus he didn't mind the roughness considering how good it felt.

Chan looked for any signs of him hiding his pain and trying to put on a brave face but his smile was genuine. "Still. I never would have behaved like that for your first time if I was thinking clearly. I could've really hurt you."

"Well, I didn't want you in your right mind because you'd just refuse me." IN told him. Chan didn't say anything because he was right. He wouldn't have agreed or gave in without being pushed to the edge as he was. 

"You're right. But that's because I love you and I'd never want to hurt you. Relationships are not guaranteed, and I thought friendships last longer. I want you in my life as long as you'll have me. I didn't want to ruin what could possibly be forever with you, for a short period of happiness." Chan was on the verge of tears because he didn't know where to go from here.

"You dork. I love you too. You'd know that if you stopped thinking of what could happen and lived now. See me in this moment." Ignoring the fact Chan thinks they couldn't last long together, he'll simply prove him wrong by showing they still have forever together.

"I'm just, not good with relationships." Chan said softly. He also wasn't good on picking up other peoples feelings for him.

"Well you've never been in a relationship with me. But I'd like to be." IN told him, reaching out to gently hold his hand in his. His hand traveled up the muscular arm till the older's eyes met his again. Then Chan looked down, half shy and grinning. Although reluctant of course he wanted to try this. Whatever this was with him.

"I'd like to try. With you." He confirmed. Both of them couldn't contain their smiles of joy. "But first let me make it up to you."

"Channie it's okay. I really did enjoy it." IN tried reassuring him with a gentle hand holding his cheek comfortingly as they stared at each other deeply.

"No- No, what I did. I want to show you what I should've done. I want to make love to you, let me."

"Well, I can't argue with that." IN whispered softly before they shared a gentle yet passionate kiss. Their tongues danced, weaving around each other sensually.

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