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I also feel the need to mention, "No one is forced in this chapter

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I also feel the need to mention, "No one is forced in this chapter. I don't do none consensual. The subs always hold the most power, because they have the ability to completely end a scene with one word. That is the point of a safe word."

Lee Know gave himself a few days to recover from his no longer virgin hole being stretched. He tried to dance the day after and to say he regretted it would be an understatement. It was not only embarrassing the others watching and laughing because he couldn't move with the precision he usually does but it was dâmn painful.

That gave Chan and Changbin the chance to mentally prepare as well. Now that he'd lost his 2nd v-card the younger ones were not letting them back out. Not a chance. He was especially glad about that. Because aside from what he'd just experienced, he was definitely ready to take the both of them.

That was proved when as soon as they came home after getting dinner together, he was sitting in the living room waiting. They stopped in their tracks at the door, when they saw him only wearing his black leather pants. That could only mean one thing.

They turned around to head back out the door at the same time, only to be stopped by I.N and Han. They pulled them inside and Felix shut the door, locking it.

"Time to get fûcked." I.N said, giggling at their nervousness. Their eyes widened and they grew even more restless.

"Look I don't think the rulers are fair here." Chan stressed as the younger started taking off his clothes.

"You made the game Hyung. If you couldn't handle the outcome, next time, don't lose." Han said, before snatching his pants down.

"Yah!" He said shocked. He was standing stark naked in their living room with the others grinning. Except Changbin. He was facing his same fate and trying to cover his bottom half, which was futile.

"You ready?" Lee Know asked with a smirk.

And okay, the smirk, the leather pants, shirtless torso and riding crop were all as terrifying, as he made it appear sexy. But that didn't matter.

"No." Changbin answered cutely.

Their audience of by stander boyfriends were eating up the view already.

Lee Know chuckled, before snapping the crop at Changbin's hands covering his dick.

Changbin's eyes widened and he jumped. But he didn't let go. "What's your problem?!" He shouted. While Chan started inching backwards. Before it struck him next.

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