Here Goes

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They were both shocked when the door opened to reveal Lee Know's naked, sweaty, torso and angry face. His face softened a little when he saw them but only a little.

"Yes." He said only opening the door partially. By his blocking of the view and certain other factors they can tell what was happening.

"Um, uh-" IN stuttered, distracted. He didn't know the older was so fit actually. He never really shows so much skin. Lee Know smirked at his clear checking him out.

"Weee wanted to talk?" Chan sounded more like he was asking a question.

"Right Now?" Lee Know asked them, growing irritated. They did not just interrupt them for a conversation. Weren't they supposed to be busy?

"What is it guys?" Hyunjin coming up behind Lee Know asked. He wrapped his arms around his waist, placing his chin on the older's shoulder to calm him down. From what they could see he wore only a button down top, more buttons undone than closed leaving it to hang off one shoulder. It was admittedly hot. And they looked even better together, glistening from the sweat dripping down their skin. IN's mouth ran dry and Chan was finding it harder to speak the right words.

"W-we want, I mean we have considered, your offer." Chan announced. Both their eyes widened and they looked at each other before placing their eyes back on them.

"And?" Lee Know asked calmly, what their answer was.

"We... want, to do it." IN spoke this time. To say the pair was shocked was an understatement. They definitely did not expect them to agree this soon. Or to come there like they did. They could have waited until tomorrow, but instead they immediately came to his room fully knowing what was happening inside. That meant only one thing.

"So you came here, in the middle of the night to tell us." Lee Know said chilly.

"You didn't waste any time." Hyunjin said, and their cheeks to the tips of their ears turned red. "Then we won't either." The two gasped and yelped in surprise when they were dragged into the room quickly, the door slamming just behind them.

"Little minxes, the both of you. Showing up here so brazen. Like sheep walking into the wolves den." Lee Know commented. He made sure they stayed pressed back against the door. They did not touch them yet. Only cornered them.

"We can't say we'll show you any mercy." Hyunjin admitted. They would not sugar coat. This is something they've wanted for a long time, so they already had plans of what to do. It would not be a BDSM scene since they are not theirs yet, but it will show them what is to come.

"Are you sure?" Lee Know asked finally. This is their one and only chance to back out. Because their next answer would dictate their fate.

Chan looked to IN. As nervous and scared as he was, his choice did not waver. He wanted this. He wanted them. IN nodded to Chan. And Chan nodded back with a smile. IN looked at the couple and nodded affirmatively this time. "Yes."

"Good." The newer couple was continuously being surprised. Their mouths were first to be taken hostage by the others. Devoured in a kiss of pure heat and raw unshaven lust. Chan found himself pressed harder into the door as Lee Know took ownership of his mouth. A fight for dominance was a battle he knew he could not win. So he did not try. He didn't want to fight it, or him. He wanted to give in and let them show him the way. That pleased Lee Know more than he knew. If it was a Wattpad Story they would call them an Alpha vs Omega. Or a deer staring face to face with a wolf and surrendering its fate. That's what it felt like for Chan. And he thought he was always the wolf.

But as he was caged between Lee Know's body and the door, the younger's arms on either side of him. It was becoming harder to breathe for both of them, so Lee Know had to pull back. But only enough to press their heads together. "Look." His hand cupping his chin turned Chan's head to the other pair. Their temples pressed together they both watched the devouring of the youngest.

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