Make Love To Me

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The Fact that they're the 1st 2Kids Room members too...😅

Ps. I'm American so these "laws/titles" and "derogatory" words might only apply here...

Warning ⚠️ Child Abuse, Violence, Homophobia


"Why am I seeing Tabloids everywhere of you kids at the hospital last night. What the Hell happened?" Their manager Kim asked the moment Chan answered the phone.

"Well, Seungmin and Hyunjin had an accident last night where they fell on some glass." He told the same lie he told the doctor.

"Excuse me! And nobody thought to call one of us, are they okay?" The older man shouted in surprise.

"Yes, they're fine. Though it may leave some ugly scarring and Hyunjin's not supposed to do any strenuous activity for 2 weeks so that means dancing." Chan informed him.

"As long as you kids are okay, that's fine. Tell them not to be so clumsy! We'll figure your scheduling out and get back to you later." He stressed.

"Okay, thanks for all your hard work sunbaenim and for taking care of us." Chan thanked the man, surprised he didn't have a heart attack.

"Of course, you are like my kids. Only much more of a handful." Chan laughed not arguing with that before giving his farewells and hanging up.

"That went better than I expected." He said to Changbin, who nodded.

"What now?" He asked Chan as they were the only two that got up to take the call as the others were still cuddling.

"We take care of them." Chan affirmed.

Sounding much like Lee Know a few days ago, when he was still trying to convince him to join their bdsm capade.

"How about this? If you really don't want to be in the lifestyle fully, then just help us take care of them? We'll need another Dom at least for after care and to give them attention. They'll severely outnumber us if there's 5 subs and only 2 Doms." The older had asked Changbin.

To which he replied, "I don't even know what that means!" And Lee Know had to yet again explain the roles of Doms and subs to him. But this time he actually took it in, instead of going in one ear and out the other.

He just told him he'll think about it. But of course he'd always take care of them. That's not something they ever have to ask him to do. They come first in his life, even before himself. Outside of his family there  is no one he'd rather spend the rest of his life with. And he'd make sure they live just as long as he, by always hounding them to take proper care of themselves. And by always protecting them.

So they went back to lay with the kids for another hour or two, Chan quickly falling back asleep and Changbin watching over all of them calmly. It really scared him to see them like that yesterday. He's always one of the first to jump up and protect the younger's from anything but he had no idea how to help in that situation. His adrenaline was pumping but in the moment he kind of froze. And only snapped out of it when Chan ushered him the keys to drive.

Hyunjin told them Seungmin would be needing a lot of love and attention. And after he kind of accepted them, Lee Know carried him to the Master Bed where they all smushed together on the king to give him cuddles. With Changbin almost falling off the end they noted to get a California king sized bed now.

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