Where It All Began

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Hyunjin felt how tense Han was so he knew the younger wasn't sleep yet so he started massaging his thigh to calm him a little. It made him tense more at first but he didn't stop until he felt him actually relax and eventually go to sleep. When he looked back after noticing how quiet it was now he saw Changbin sleeping as well resting his head across Lee Knows lap. Hyunjin took this as an opportunity.

"Hyung." He called to the only member awake. "Hmm." Lee Know replied only glancing up briefly from playing with Binnies hair. "I think it's time." Lee Know actually looked at him when he said this since he knew exactly what he was talking about. "Do you think their all ready." He asked Hyunjin just to confirm but he trusted the other. "I do. I've watched everyone very closely I know who each member likes the most and wants to be with, I think if we start putting them together one by one the rest will fall into place on its own." Hyunjin informs him talking softly as not to wake the two sleeping. "Okay. Let's talk about it at home privately, and come up with a plan." Lee Know replied.

"I have one." Hyunjin told him before they went back to watching the beauties in front of them sleep. As Hyunjin watched his beautiful Quokka he started thinking about when this began.


Back in training days some of the members were closer than others like Han and Chan Hyung as they knew each other the longest and with Changbin started making music together. But when Chan started forming the group Hyunjin knew about the instant chemistry Han and Lee Know Hyung had, everyone did. He saw I.N and Chan's adorable relationship progress from Maknae and Hyung to them liking each other so much they even avoided each other in fear. Just like he saw how Felix would pine after Changbin and even though Changbin acted like he didn't, he liked him back just as much. But some how Felix started showing in interest in Hyunjin more as well which he didn't mind as he thought Felix was absolutely gorgeous from the start and their cuddles were the best. It would be a lie if he said he hadn't liked Felix back. But as they got older and went through so much together he didn't know where his own feelings lied as he found himself loving every member equally. At first he thought it was just a deep bond they grew as friends overtime but when he started thinking about them in less innocent ways he knew that wasn't the case.

Not long after they moved into their 9 bedroom 9 and a half bathroom mansion 2 years after their debut Hyunjin found himself very conflicted one day. It was only him and Lee Know Hyung in the house since the other members had went to the park but he didn't feel like going. He needed a breather and possibly some alone time as he had pint up frustration for a long time so that was the perfect moment. He went to check on Minho as it was so quiet that he almost thought he was there by himself. He heard the shower running in the downstairs bathroom and was gonna go back to his room when he heard the faintest sound of a moan.

His first initial thought was is he okay and as he went to knock he heard another one, louder this time. To say it shocked Hyunjin would be an understatement as it was definitely a moan of pleasure. 

When he heard "Fuck!" followed by a long moan he doesn't think he's ever gotten hard so fast in his life. He heard the shower turning off and took that as his cue to sprint back upstairs to his room.

He slammed the door not knowing it didn't close completely and jumped face first on his bed. Fuck this is not what I need right now he thought shaking his head face pressed into the mattress. He could feel how hard he is as Minho's moans replay in his mind. Fuck...fuck, fuck, fuck he couldn't get it to stop and it wasn't helping his problem in the slightest. He had to fix it or keep struggling, so he flipped around so his back now laid flat on the mattress and stared. His bulge was standing tall under his bottoms since he didn't have on underwear only a big T and some short gym shorts since he barely wears clothes when he sleeps.

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