I'm Sorry

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"Are you happy?" Changbin asked tone low. It sounded more like a rhetorical question to Lee Know and he wondered if he should answer but he did. "Yes Bin we are." Changbin scoffed thinking we as if the simple word disgusted him. "Your Happy. Ha, that's funny. Was it funny when I told you how I felt about him? Did you have a good laugh while fucking him?!" Changbin's words got louder as he spoke and the more he thought about it the angrier he got. Lee Know knew how he felt about the long haired beauty, he told him one day when they were drinking without the others, but they all still knew. So it especially hurts to know someone he trusted could betray him like this, not to mention Hyunjin not even telling them. This was too much and he couldn't take it, his heart felt crushed to the point he didn't know what to do he just wanted to leave.

"Did you ever stop to think this isn't about you Changbin? Do you not think that I love him too?" Lee Know tried to reason. He could tell the other was hurting and he wanted so bad to just hold and comfort him but he knew he couldn't. "I never wanted to hurt you Bin, I don't want to hurt any of you-" Lee Know was cut off by Changbin shouting "But you did don't you get that!"

Before they could continue Chan opened the door giving them disapproving looks. "Stop it will you. This is our first day off in a week and you guys choose to spend it screaming at each other. Instead of annoying the rest of the house go take a walk or something and cool off. When your able to talk this out me and Hyunjin will be there. Okay?" Chan said cutting the situation off completely. They respected him as the leader and oldest so they had no choice but to nod but Changbin was not happy in the slightest. As he stood up to exit when Chan pointed out the door he made sure to bump his shoulder into Lee Know hard. Chan huffed and rolled his eyes hitting him in the back of the head.

Lee Know was stumped, he didn't think Changbin would react like that at all. Yes he knew how he felt about Hyunjin it was obvious to anyone with eyes but he didn't know how to fix this situation. He thought it best to do what Chan said and leave before they run into each other again he didn't think Changbin would react any better to seeing him anytime soon. So without thinking much of it he got dressed and ready to leave he didn't wanna worry anyone so he'd atleast tell Chan and Hyunjin he'll be back after getting some air.

Jinnie and Felix were in bed snuggled up and cuddling so he made sure to kiss their heads with a "I'll be back" before going to leave, but a hand grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. It was Hyunjin with his eyes open and giving him an expectant look puckering his plump lips. Lee Know leaned back down and planted a kiss to his lips gently running his hands through his hair. "Rest." Is all he said before leaving the room.

He told Chan on the way out who was sitting next to Han at the dining table, who quickly looked up when he said he was leaving. He really didn't want to elaborate so he just left much to the protesting look on Han's face. He waited outside for the driver he'd called when getting dressed earlier and told him he was going to Han River. About 15 minutes later the driver pulled up the driveway.

When he got in the car they exchanged hello's and he was expecting him to pull out as soon as he put his seat belt on but he didn't. Lee Know was confused and just as he went to ask what he was waiting on the other car door opened scaring him for one but Han and Seungmin were standing there before getting in the car. "What are you doing?" He asked the two confused on why they'd got dressed so fast with Han in a bucket hat clothes still disheveled and Seungmin though looking calm had a extra few buttons of his shirt undone which he wouldn't normally.

"Hyunjin told us to keep you company." Han said with a shrug putting on his seat belt. Lee Know swore he heard Seungmin whisper something about Hyunjin forcing them to come as he rolled his eyes. Minho chose not to say anything, he knows how Hyunjin gets its impossible to say no to him. It turned into a very awkwardly silent ride as no one knew what to say about everything that came out this morning. Seungmin kept thinking about how Hyunjin practically begged him to go when Seungmin refused at first, so he gave him this pleading look that affected Seungmin in a way he didn't want to indulge. He agreed after the older told him Minho would really appreciate if both him and Han kept him company and out of his own head. The thought of Minho needing him gave him butterflies in his stomach making him feel wanted almost. He glanced at Minho seeing his eyes out the window watching everything pass them by. He was truly a sight to behold as just his side profile made Seungmin's heart stutter.

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