It's Not The End Yet

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After a few minutes the rest of the house could hear the two shouting at each other and though they wanted to break it up they knew better than to interfere. Well everyone but Chan and Hyunjin though the later was being prevented from going to them by Felix. He looked at Chan with puppy eyes to go check on them and make sure they weren't killing each other which Chan wanted to do anyway so he quickly got up to go back to Lee Know's room.

Hyunjin turned his head to Felix when he heard the other sniffle only to be surprised by the tears running down the angels face. Felix couldn't help but think this is all his fault, his hyung's arguing with each other and now everyone knew the secret that wasn't his to tell. Hyunjin used his thumb to brush under the angels eyes, knowing exactly what he was thinking and not having it. Hyunjin told him "This. Isn't. Your. Fault. I'm glad I don't have to hide anything from you guys anymore. And if you hadn't told me how you feel how would I know when I could be able to do this." Hyunjin leaned in slowly analyzing Felix face until their lips touched.

They didn't hear anymore arguing at that moment, it was only them. It was the softest kiss Hyunjin had in such a long time but it was Felix's first. They didn't move their lips much just resting them for a few seconds before Hyunjin pulled back. Felix's eyes were still closed, lips slightly parted as he breathed calmly but he seemed to be in a daze. Hyunjin couldn't stop himself from speaking his mind as he stared at the beauty in front of him who's eyelashes dusted his freckled cheeks. "Beautiful." he said making Felix flutter his eyes open to stare back into his. Hyunjin gently caressed his cheek looking deep into his eyes like he was searching for something, until he grabbed Felix jaw less gentle only hard enough to make the younger gasp. The submissiveness Hyunjin saw in his eyes made him want to do things he knew he couldn't, the other was to innocent and unaware of the true nature of Lee Know and himself.

Hyunjin wrapped his arms around Felix waist laying them down on their sides so they were still facing each other before he went back to gently caressing his face. Felix closed his eyes, the look Hyunjin gave him too intense. The younger may be feeling a bit guilty but not knowing how to bring up what he's thinking. Hyunjin seemed to understand though from the tension on his face as between his eyes was scrunched like he was thinking hard.

"Lee Know Hyung?" Hyunjin questioned though he knew the answer. Felix nodded. "What are you going to tell him?" Felix asks back. "The truth." His Hyung answered. "He will be happy, maybe a little jealous but not for the reason you'd think." Felix gave him a confused look saying "I'm sorry, I don't want to ruin anything." Hyunjin quickly assured him "You are not." before leaving another gentle kiss on his lips. "Now we should sleep yeah, I reckon today will be a long one." He told the younger.

Felix didn't say anything else just nodded thinking silently until he completely relaxed into his Hyung's arms letting sleep take over. Hyunjin just watched him for awhile caressing his baby soft face rubbing his thumb along the freckles on his cheeks. He eventually closed his eyes but couldn't rest worried about his Hyungs and if Changbin would forgive him.

He heard the door open knowing who it was by the light footsteps then feeling a familiar pair of soft lips connecting to his head. He felt him reach across to kiss Felix head as well. When he heard him whisper "I'll be back" before pulling away he quickly went to grab his arm. Hyunjin gave Lee Know an expecting look puckering his lips in a way to ask for a kiss, which the other gave no problem. The older ran his hands through his hair telling him to rest before exiting the room. "I love you." Hyunjin whispered to the dark after he'd already left.

As soon as Minho left Hyunjin quickly called Seungmin and Han to his room. They got there at the same time Han looking panicked since he may have sent a SOS to get their attention. "Lee Know is going to Han River most likely to clear his head, I need you to go with him. Though he likes to be alone he's not mad right now he's upset with himself and he shouldn't be with his thoughts alone. His head is not a good place when he feels like this." Hyunjin declared quickly giving the driver a text at the same time to not pull off since Han and Seungmin will be tagging along, but don't tell Minho. The driver liked him personally since he could never take his eyes off Hyunjin through the rear view so he knew he'd listen. 

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