You Stalker

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He just kept thinking to himself why didn't he ask Chan Hyung to come with him. If he was walking into what he thinks he could've used the protection. Weren't those groups always in search of innocent virgins to sacrifice. He really just couldn't believe what he was going to do for those idiots.

"If I'm not back in 30 minutes, call Chan Hyung, then my manager, then the authorities." He said l, looking at the man and waiting for his nod of understanding. He already knew if anything happened who would be the first one there. When he got it he took a deep breath composing himself to not show how actually afraid he was at the moment. Then he got out of the car.

He headed to the double front doors marked with a red X only strengthening his suspicions of the place. Why would they get involved in such a place, seriously. How dumb could they be. He thought before he knocked like he'd seen them do over the past few weeks, waiting for the familiar man to open the door.

When said man did he lost his breath for a second. The guy was huge. Extremely tall and built, so much so that his arms didn't fully cross over his chest.

"Can I help you?" The man said, giving him a suspicious look. Han knows he looks extremely out of place but good thing he remembered to wear his mask and bucket hat to not be recognized.

"Uh, I-I'm here to see um some people." He said and Fuck he didn't think about how he was gonna find them, there's probably a lot of people in there and he didn't know if he should say their names. If they were in such sketchy business they better had used fake names.

"Look somewhere else." Was all the scary man said before he was about to shut the door in his face.

"W-wait!" He yelled. "There's 3 guys that come in here all the time. One a tall long hair brunette, the other two blondes are around my height." He tried hoping the man knew who he was talking about.

"Yeah, Boss knows those guys." The man said after thinking about it for a few. Then he continued with, "Yet they didn't bring you in and you aren't on the list as an added party so... You'd better leave now before I remove you myself." Making his heart drop.

As he thought about who this "Boss" was the door was slammed shut in his face.

"Hey! Let me in dammit I just need to talk to them! Yah!" He shouted banging on the door. When he didn't get an answer he let go of the doors and sighed. He pulled out his phone to try calling them again but once again no answer from any of them. Of course they'd turn off their phone's in a place like this. Little did he know the owner who was receiving head at the moment from one of his own subs heard the commotion at the door and recognized his voice. Each dungeons/play room has a telephone for him or security to contact in event of an emergency and though it wasn't one he called room #8 anyway.

"Ugh." The intruder sighed. Just as he turned around about to give up and go back home the door was opened again and someone stepped out.

"Han?" The new figure said. "What are you doing here?" Lee Know questioned, shutting the door behind him so he couldn't see inside. He looked around to see if any other members were with him but there wasn't. So the next question in mind was "How did you get here?"

"That should be my question to you?! And Hyunjin and Felix! Where are they and what are you guys doing here?" Han asked him back. Lee Know was honestly stumped. He couldn't handle this by himself right now or he might slip up and say something since he didn't know what all Han knew.

"Just hold on a second." Lee Know said and with that the door was yet again shut in Han's face. It took him like 3 minutes before he was coming back with Hyunjin in toe who was ultimately confused before he saw who was outside and became shocked.

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