Acceptance Is A Savior

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It was indeed a cruel scene but with Hyunjin and Seungmin it was more mental than physical. Seungmin is used to being physically, painfully, punished for being himself. Hyunjin would not continue that cycle and only punished him for snapping on Felix. He instead rewarded him with the things he may want but would never allow himself to ask for. He wants him to know being Gay is not something he should be hurt for and they would never judge him. For Felix and Lee Know, well he did break a rule while being punished so it became worse. Plus I thought I made it clear during the punishment they were doing onto them what they said and did to each other. Felix threw his relationship in Seungmin's face, so Lee Know didn't treat him like a boyfriend and made him watch instead of have. Seungmin choked Felix, he got the choke collar. 🤷‍♀️

Anygay, Cue The Dramatics *drumroll*

Warning ⚠️ Self-Harm

"I should spank your ass too for that little stunt. What were you thinking dressing like that to meet a stranger? Did he touch you?" Han huffed not feeling like Lee Know's overprotective tendencies right now.

"If you do, will you feel better?" Han asked him.

"Yes." Lee Know replied honestly.

"Then I don't mind." Han told him, so he'd calm down. Lee Know quickly grabbed his wrist and yanked him down to the bed, making Han yelp. He flipped him on his stomach, laying across his lap just as he had Felix a little while ago. He kneaded his ass over his jeans making Han blush.

"You didn't answer my question." Lee Know said, pulling his pants down to his thighs.

"He touched my thigh and I pushed his hand away. That was it besides the kiss." Han admitted. That only pissed Lee Know off more. He gripped his ass tight, with both hands making him jump.

When he pulled down his underwear too, Han shoved his burning face into his thigh. "Count down from 10."

Slap! Fuck! Han screamed in his head. He had that much force just behind his hand. As he internally screamed Lee Know slapped his ass again, harder.

"I said count." He gruffed.

Han whimpered and let out a soft, "Ten."

Slap! "Nine." He really was trying to be strong but he's never really been spanked before. Even as a kid, his parents chose to scold him.

But when he got to six he let his tears fall. Lee Know wasn't holding back. He wanted him to know, what they did was unacceptable.

Slap! Slap! Han cried out. "F-five, four." He was out of breath and gripping his fists as if it would take away the pain.

"Speak up, before I start over." Han let out a cry again at that statement. But he finished strong, only breaking down after the last painful slap.

Slap! "Three."
Slap! "T-two."
Slap! "One!"

Lee Know kneaded his red bottom to calm him down. "You did so well Jagi. Come here." He pulled his pants and underwear back over his stinging bum and lifted Han so he was sitting over his lap, facing him now. He let him cry into his shoulder as he cooed. "I know you want him. I do too. But we have to be patient. Seungmin will come to us when he feels ready. Until then we just have to let him know we're here and waiting." He told him, rubbing soothing circles in his back. "But don't you ever pull a stunt like that again. I never want to see you being intimate with someone else that's not us, that way. You are already ours. Whether you like it or not." He had Han face him so he understood, looking into his teary eyes. Han nodded sniffling.

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