Shut Out

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(Honestly hate that I wrote this 😅 it's overdramatic and then gets boring, 🤦‍♀️ oh well. I think I just didn't write it well enough cause I didn't know how to continue.)

For some reason when Hyunjin got to Felix room he could just feel that this wasn't going to end well. So he let out a breath before knocking on the youngers door. He didn't get a response. They hadn't heard anyone downstairs and Lee Know was with Chan right now so they weren't cuddling. So he knocked again calling his name hoping for an answer. He didn't receive one. He let out a huff cause the other was clearly ignoring him now. It's not like he didn't deserve it but it didn't make him feel any better about it. He heard a little bit of shuffling and figured the other was coming to the door so he waited. When it didn't open he was getting frustrated.

"Felix!" He half shouted reaching to open the door which turned out to be locked. He'd never think the Angel would be capable of shutting him out, but then again he'd never given him a reason to until now either. Everyone has a breaking point even his kitten. His breathing was becoming irregular as he got more desperate, really afraid he had hurt him so much he may not be forgiven. "Please. Yongbok. I'm sorry we hurt you. I'm sorry we worried you and took away your chance. I know how long you've been waiting to see your family. I promise we'll make it up to you. I promise." Hyunjin said through the door.

"You can't promise that." Felix finally said back through the door. "Felix! I swear! I'll do everything in my power to let you see your family again. Just open the door please. Let me see your face now Angel." Hyunjin begged him. Felix swears if he says Please one more time he was gonna cave. He couldn't take the sound of him being close to tears.

He didn't want to forgive them because they had taken his hope this time. When Chan called him that day to ask if they should switch the schedules for Hyunjin's recovery he was conflicted. On one hand he missed his family so much and didn't know when he'd get the chance to see them again if he gave it up. But he also couldn't watch one of the men he loves in pain and continuing to push himself through it. He was afraid of seeing him faint on stage and be hospitalized or something because it happens quite often to idols in the industry. So he reluctantly gave up the chance hoping it was the right thing to do and the time would come soon enough that they could be reunited. What was waiting a little longer after how long they'd waited already is what he thought.

But to find out they were lying after everything they did for them. He couldn't forgive them for that. Could he? After contemplating and battling with himself for a while he heard the other slide down the the other side of the door. Felix followed him until he was in-front of the door on his knees head resting against it. Then he undoubtedly heard the others cries. Please don't cry Hyunjin. I can't take it. He thought.

"Please, forgive me." He heard the other sniffle and whisper brokenly and he knew he couldn't shut him out anymore. He stood up with a heavy heart to open the door and as soon as it cracked Hyunjin was pushing through it instantly. He'd moved so fast Felix barely had time to register anything before being engulfed in the others tight hold. "I'm so sorry." the older kept repeating not letting him go but only squeezing unbearably tighter. He was afraid if he let go he wouldn't be able to hold him again. Hyunjin pulled back only enough to start leaving kisses all over the younger's face. His forehead, eyelids, nose, freckles, jaw.

Hyunjin may have faked the cries outside the door earlier knowing the other would eventually give in if he started the water works but he was actually about to cry if Felix continued to shut him out. In Hyunjin's defense, not to say he doesn't love all the members equally because he does but Felix, he was the first one Hyunjin ever knew he really loved. Though Lee Know was his first Everything and Changbin the first one to return his feelings, Felix was the first one to introduce him to what Love is. Felix didn't know it but he didn't have to do much to make the older fall for him, just him being himself was enough. How cute he naturally acted without even meaning to. His constant need for affection and cuddles. His bright smile and freckles that accentuated his feminine beauty. How he never failed to be kind to any and everyone. These things warmed Hyunjin's heart more and more over the years.

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