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"Welcome back gorgeous." Lee Know greeted. Hyunjin fluttered his eyes open, still feeling exhausted. His body was incredibly sore. He went to speak but even his throat was dry. He probably ripped his throat with that scream last night.

Fuck! Last Night! He thought. His eyes widened and he turned to Lee Know. The older was gently smiling down at him, knowing the gears were turning in his head as it all came back to him. "You ass! You know I don't like doing tha-at." He whined, even though his voice cracked.

"But I like watching you do it." The older pouted playfully.

"I thought it was pretty cool." When Chan spoke he literally jumped in surprise. He was right behind him, Hyunjin just hadn't registered the other arm around his waist.

"Well don't think you'll be seeing it again." He huffed. He wasn't supposed to see it a first time anyway. "What time is it?" He asked tiredly.

"Almost 6." He hadn't been out for long then. They hadn't started until around 1am and were at it for a few hours. So he nodded and laid his head back on Lee Knows torso. He did wonder why they were still up though. Lee Know was even positioned partially sat up.

"Go to sleep." He commanded, about to do the same himself. But thought of something before he could. "Chan?" He called the oldest. Chan told them years ago to be comfortable around him so they didn't always need honorifics to address him.

"Hm." Chan hummed, for him to continue.

"How was it?" Hyunjin asked quietly. It was so silent for a minute as Chan thought about what to reply to that question.

Amazing. Intense. Insane. Overwhelming. It was a lot of things but what words could best describe the wonderful night?

"Perfect... It was perfect." That wasn't Chan's voice. But Chan did think that was also the perfect word.

Hyunjin slightly lift his head to peek at IN, who was beside Lee Know. Lee Know's left hand running through his hair tenderly. His eyes were closed so he looked like he was sleeping but that was definitely him that spoke.

Hyunjin smiled and looked at Lee Know who wore the same genuine expression.

"Does that mean we can do it again?" Lee Know asked curiously.

"Mm, we'll think about it." Chan kidded. But if they really wanted to, he wouldn't stop them.

"What's there to think about?" Hyunjin asked  incredulously. It was a simple question that deserved a simple answer. Yes or No. And it better not be the later.

"Only if Hyunjin squirts again." IN declared, adding on to Chan's teasing. Hyunjin's yelling woke him up so it's only fair to get back at him.

"I think that's a great idea." Lee Know affirmed.

"I'm down with those stakes." Chan nodded. They were all game it seemed. Now it was up to Hyunjin.

"Screw. All. Of. You." He said every word so they understood and they all laughed.

"Already did." Both the Hyung's announced. Hyunjin couldn't contain his blush that grew with his embarrassment.

They did finally go to sleep shortly after but for only a few hours before they were up in the afternoon for a video call event. A week went by without it happening again but they were very much closer. And quite touchy for someone's taste. That someone being...

Seungmin of course, woke up with Han beside him, holding him tight. It was very comfortable there, in his arms. He just wanted to snuggle up more. But just because they were off didn't mean they could waste the day away. He tried to pull away carefully but Han tightened his hold around his waist making him let out a whimper accidentally as he squeezed. Han woke up anyway from that.

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