Behind My Back?!

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ChanIn - Couple.      7
Changbin.              7
Seungmin.              4
Han (Really!😱Poor baby's gonna be lonely)
SeungSung - Subs.         2

But y'all want Felix to have 3 Doms?! Damn... R.I.P. that B—


"Hello Pet."

"Mistress... I did something bad."

"What is it Min?"

"I-I, I just- need to be punished."

"You know that's not how it works Seungmin, tell me what happened."

"I did something to Han. I wasn't supposed to and it's unforgivable!"

"Seungmin calm down-"

"Just punish me before I do it myself!"

"Now hold on, you know that's not fair! For either of us!"

"I don't care. Please. I need it."

Angela didn't want to hurt him in this state. Mostly because she knows it feeds into a deeper dark psyche of his than just a sexual release of pain. When he's like this he even pushes himself too far, almost until he faints, if she's not watching him close enough. But she also learned her lesson of not being the one in control of his pain.

It only took one time when she refused him, and he inflicted his punishment himself. She wouldn't be making that mistake again. She wanted to help him, but she couldn't keep doing it like this. She was afraid if she couldn't help him anymore, that she'd need to find someone who could. Unfortunately for her she knew just the person. But he would be quite angry.



"Minho. We need to talk."

"What is this about Ange?"

"I need your help, with a sub..."

Minho sighed because she'd asked him this before and his answer would remain the same. "You know I only Dominate my members, no exceptions."

"That's-the-thing-and-before-you-get-mad-!" She tried to rush out, "He is, one of yours."

There was a pause. The silence thick and uncomfortable to the point she didn't even think he was breathing because she sure wasn't.

"Where are you." It wasn't a question but a demand.

"The same address."

"I'll be there in 10, and you're gonna start explaining."

He took one of the SUV's they're technically not aloud to drive except for emergencies but he'd be damned if he had to wait 15 min or so for the driver, when he didn't know what the situation was.

Angela is a very experienced Fem Domme, even more so than him. They met before he joined the group. She was his old Dom's best friend. As he started his own life and proclaimed more fame, Angela, and D his now friends, came up with the idea to start a Secretive and Secure BDSM club for the wealthiest and most famous faces in Seoul. It was mostly thanks to him suggesting to his old Dom that he create a playroom out of sight from his members for the time being.

So they've all known each other for years. With Angela being 27 and having been in the lifestyle longer, with a clientele of different partners. When they opened the club she was part owner but didn't want to take on as much responsibility as D the Master Dom, so she chose to stick to being a counselor of sorts for both subs and Doms when they needed help from their partners and a Punisher of Doms that broke their subs rules or contracts, as well as the resident club sadist that helped Masochist get the release they needed. She was the best at her jobs after all, with so much experience over the years.

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