Because of you...

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Hyunjin and Lee Know had made their way back upstairs to the older's room, they figured they'd hide out in there for the time being since everyone made it pretty clear they didn't want to see them. It worked for the rest of the day, and the next one since they barely ate and just avoided the members to give them time like Chan said, until they figured out what to say and how to fix it. Hyunjin also was figuring out how to calm himself down since he couldn't stop crying all night after the intervention. He just couldn't stop thinking about the way Felix wouldn't even look at him and how they all walked away. Everytime one of them left his heart shattered a little more until it was broken in to pieces.

But Hyunjin just didn't get what was so wrong about them being together. They love each other and all the members and they know the members love them to, so what was so wrong about it. So what if they wanted time alone together sometimes who wouldn't. The next morning after the second day of being cooped up he decided to ask Lee Know this after they'd done their morning routine. The older tried to put himself in their shoes and see it from their perspective. "I guess imagine if two of them told us after nearly two years they were together. And you realize they lied to you quite a lot of times to be with that person. Your best friends lied about times you were worried about their actual health. And imagine you seeing one of them constantly in pain from what you thought was them pushing their self over and over and straining their body. You'd be unbelievably worried. But even that was a lie at-least the reason he was hurting was. I guess then we'd know why they feel how they do." Lee Know told him.

To say Hyunjin felt even more shitty after that. He wasn't looking at it from their side and in that aspect he was being so selfish. How could he not see what his lies would do to them. Of course he'd be worried if one of the members felt the way he did when he woke in the mornings after dancing and sex with Lee Know. It wasn't Lee Know's fault though Hyunjin just has a high pain tolerance and can be a bit masochistic sometimes but they only ever go really hard when they know they have the next day off.
They try not to leave bruises because of the job but when they do they just tell the others it's from dancing. He always stretches before sex just like he does dance to try lessoning the muscle ache and they always perform after care. But still sometimes he needs to recover from the activities because they are into bdsm on top of him actually pushing himself in dance, and he guesses the recovery worried them more than they let on. Which is understandable considering how he feels about them he would be worried out of his mind as well if every movement made their body ache.

"Yeah. I guess we were being quite selfish." Hyunjin finally said to Lee Know. After he said that they went silent again just thinking of how much pain they must have caused the others. Until soon they heard a knock on the door. Lee Know who was closest to the door shared a look with Hyunjin like who could that be before going to open it. He was pleasantly surprised though to see Han on the other side. "Hi." Han said with a small wave. Not a sign of ill intent on his face. "Hey." Lee Know said back confused. "Can I come in?" He questioned with a raised brow waiting to be invited in. Lee Know nodded and opened the door wider to let him in. Hyunjin who was sitting in the arm chair in the corner of the room waved at him as he came in. 

When he fully entered the room he sat on the edge of the bed fidgeting his hands nervously because they were looking at him cautiously and he hated that. They should never feel like they have to be cautious of each other. "I just- don't want to fight with you guys anymore... I miss you." Han let out a breath as he admitted that. Lee Know who was leaning against the door came to sit on the bed with him as well as Hyunjin. "We really missed you too Hannie." Hyunjin told him with a slight smile.

"Though I can't hold grudges with you two. I'm not one of the ones you need to make it up to." Han told them before they got too excited. "What do you mean?" Hyunjin says with a questioning look. "I mean you don't know what Felix and Chan gave up to be able to let you rest this week-" he sighed before continuing as they were giving him confused looks. "-about 3 weeks ago Chan went to talk with the manager about letting you have a break because he was worried about how hard you were pushing yourself staying late at the studio and your body aches. But the manager told him they already had a break for us in a few months... a weekend Chan and Felix would finally have been able to see their family." The couple gasped as Han told them this knowing what was coming next. "Chan thought waiting that long might be dangerous for your health so he called Felix to ask him how he felt about it since it wasn't only his decision. And Felix agreed to give up the break if it meant letting you rest and switched the schedules. All of us agreed. Lee Know didn't know because you two were off somewhere together again." Hyunjin thought his tears were dried out before after crying all night but once again he felt tears in his eyes.

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