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Hyunjin came in slowly, he didn't know how to look him in the eyes. He didn't know what to say exactly or where to start so he just said "I'm sorry" leaning against Changbin's desk that was covered in papers of lyrics. Changbin was sat at the end of his bed looking at the ground. He couldn't face Hyunjin either.

"Why do you guys keep saying that?" He said back softly still not looking toward Hyunjin, who was looking at him now after a moment of silence. "Because I am... I NEVER meant to hurt you." Hyunjin told him with all sincerity. He felt like he was going to cry because he really never meant to hurt someone he loves, ever.

"Please stop saying that too. I Hate-" Changbin started and sighed running his palm down his face in frustration. "-that you are making this so hard to hate you right now. I wish I didn't feel this way about you it would make everything so much easier."

"I know. And I'm sorry." Hyunjin said as he came closer and sat on the bed next to Changbin putting a comforting arm around his broad shoulders.

"Everyone thinks I'm just foolishly obsessed with you for no reason but we both know that's not true. You made me fall for you. Hard. Why would you do that if you didn't mean it." Changbin said helplessly. The tears were falling again and he didn't know how to stop them because the old memories were coming back to him now. They were so close in the beginning, joined at the hip and practically in a relationship back then. Hyunjin would flirt and tease Changbin for his crush but they were also so cuddly and touchy. It was the best cuddles to Changbin and he remembers they almost kissed once 2 years ago. It was a moment he regretted not taking the chance when he had the opportunity every day since. If he remembers correctly it was also around the time Hyunjin started falling back from him, and when he started sticking to Lee Know more. He thought it was because of him that Hyunjin distanced himself because he didn't feel the same but now the pieces are starting to stick together.

Before Hyunjin could answer his last question he asked instead "How, and when did you and Lee Know Hyung get together? Don't leave out the details."

"I-i think this is something everyone should hear don't you." Hyunjin said. He'd hate to have to repeat himself to the rest of the members when he can just gauge their reactions now and let all hell break lose at once.

When Changbin went quiet again he looked back at him to see him furiously wiping his face and taking a deep breath. Hyunjin gently ran his thumb across his cheek to catch any stray tears. "We should go downstairs now, I'm sure they're waiting..." Hyunjin whispered to him. "...Yeah" Changbin replied.

Hyunjin made sure Changbin was okay before he got up to walk to the door. With his back to him and his hand on the knob he told him softly hoping he wouldn't regret it. "I did mean it..." Changbin looked up but he couldn't see him with his back still to him. Before he could turn the knob and make a quick exit Changbin interrupted again. "Wait a second!" He said. Hyunjin sighed and slowly turned to face him again only to be pushed up against the wall beside the door, his back slamming against it hard as his hands were held in Changbin's vice grip above his head.

Their faces were centimeters apart with Hyunjin's eyes wide as he could feel Changbin's breath against his face. "Since you barely answered my questions, answer me this. Did you tell him about us, before you got together?" He asked, purposely getting closer almost touching Hyunjin's lips with his. Hyunjin said nothing just looked away trying to catch his breath and remain calm. This gave Changbin his answer and he smirked saying. "We're not the only ones you're keeping secrets from I see." Hyunjin looked back to him and before he could say anything his lips were being smashed against by Changbin's roughly. This instantly brought a moan out of him as he kissed back just as vigorously.

The kiss was so much different than Felix's sweet and soft one where their lips touched so gently it left you wanting more. But Changbin's kiss was no less addicting as he powerfully sucked Hyunjin's plump bottom lip into his mouth. When this brought another moan out of Hyunjin he used the opportunity to shove his tongue in and claim what was his. They kissed until it was physically hard to breathe and when Changbin pulled back to gasp for air he had the biggest smirk on his face. He brought Hyunjin's hands to his sides and let him go who rested back against the wall limp and dazed. "I wasn't about to miss my chance this time. And you kissed me back... remember that." He said giving Hyunjin one last smirk before leaving the other to get himself together.

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