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Colby's POV

I was excited about this next investigation. Sam told me that he had found a new medium to attend with us. APPARENTLY, she was also a fan and had been DM'ing Sam about her past experiences and he truly believed she had a gift. SO he wanted to bring her with us to see if she sensed anything or brought it to a new level. She was meeting us at the Stanley hotel. We were going back for the fourth time at the fans' request. We thought it was getting a bit overdone but they wanted us to go back over and over again, so hey if the fans were happy, why not?!

"Are you excited about this new medium Colbs?" Sam asked brightly, as he drove us toward the hotel.

"I am! It is gonna be great to meet a new medium. We've had Amanda for so long it'll be great to have someone else if she works out!" I responded nodding my head as I saw the hotel come into view.  I was nervous about this we've had some crazy encounters here before.

"And on top of that, she's a fan! Member of our Xplr club!" Sam said. Apparently, it all started with her sending a message to him and Katrina about a shadow figure she spotted in one of our videos. Amanda confirmed this before Sam reached out to her. He had asked her about other things she's seen and what experience she had in the occult.

"That's awesome, I am excited to meet her and see what kind of gifts she has," I smiled, as I saw the signs pointing towards the hotel.

"Me too, you'll have to ask her about her first experience with the paranormal... it's a crazy story!!" he said with a massive grin. He was definitely excited about this.

"That nuts huh?" I asked raising a brow. How crazy could it have been? Amanda has sightings at an early age so makes me wonder what kind of experience she could have had that has Sam in such an excited squirrel kind of state.

"PHYSICAL contact!" he said brightly, "Apparently at the age of 10!!" My eyes widen. Physical contact? At ten?! I hope a ouija board wasn't involved, those are dangerous!

"Woah no way, almost as young as Amanda! but PHYSICAL?! That's crazy! I will have to ask her!" I said as we pulled into the parking lot of the hotel. I saw a baby blue Chevy Malibu sitting in the first row at the hotel. Sam perked up immediately.

"Hey! I think she is here already! She's punctual!" he chuckled as we parked.

"We love punctual!" I laughed, and once he turned the vehicle off we climbed out. Sam went over to this girl's car and as she stepped out I was in awe. She was gorgeous. She had dark hair tied up in a messy bun, beautiful brown eyes that had a sparkle to them, a gorgeous body, and a smile that made my stomach lurch. Her eyes had a sparkle to them that screamed positivity. You would think I would have noticed a fan as beautiful as her.

"Hey Sam!" she smiled, "I am so excited about this!" She was bouncing in place gazing at the hotel.

"Really? I would think with your past experiences it would make this scary not exciting!" he laughed.

"Nah! It can get a bit iffy, but I can usually sense when I've reached my limit..." she said waving it off.

"As long as you're sure about this... I don't want you to feel overwhelmed," he said.

"Of course, I will let you know, but I promise you I can already sense the eagerness of this building. They want attention!" she said.

"You can sense that already?" I asked surprised, amazed at how calm she was being.

"I felt it the second I pulled into the lot," she giggled, "It's a pretty strong aura around here, it's kinda hard to miss!"

"Well, dang I can't wait to see what goes on once we get inside!" I said. Sam got the camera out and we began filming.

The Medium: A Colby Brock FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now