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Colby's POV

"HCG? what's that?" I asked getting my phone out. I'd never even heard of that. 

Let's just... wait to see what the nurse says Colby," Jen said nervously. I chuckled and kissed her temple before getting my attention back to my phone.

"No worries babe I'll look it up.." I said and opened my google chrome on my phone and punched in HCG. I hit search and the first thing to pop up I decided to read aloud.

"HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, is a hormone present at high levels in early pregnancy." I read, then I felt myself sink back into her hospital bed, "Pr-pre-pregnancy?"

"Colby...." Jen whispered, rubbing my back.

"Oh my gosh, you guys! I thought you were on birth control?" Kat asked surprised.

"I am......  It's not 100 percent, you know that..." Jen replied.

"I know that's why Sam wears condoms too.. to be extra safe!" she said.

"Okay, can we just focus on that word please... pregnancy?" I asked.

"It is possible, we're active Colby, very active... so it makes sense we could have an oopsie...." she said.

"SO what do we do now?" I asked. I know there were a million options and in the world right now we didn't have many great options.... so if we decided on one specific option it would be best to do this here in the UK, where it's still legal. With the upcoming drama in the US, we don't know what options we'd have.

"Depends on how far along I am, we can discuss our options and go from there..." she said.

"Whoa, wait, you're not actually thinking about abortion are you?" Kat asked nervously.

"Kat my love why don't we go get coffee, and let them discuss this.... in private," Sam said ushering her out.

"Is that something you want Jen?" I asked her, gently, stroking her hair from her face.

"I don't know Colby..." she said lifting her shirt and rubbing her stomach, "I have never considered abortion in the past, but we need to weigh things out."

"Like our household situation, sharing a house with our friends with a baby in the house?" I asked, thinking of Sam and Kat and a baby crying at 3 am. Even tho in the norm we're up at that hour. But with our parties and such, having a baby in the house. This wasn't just a simple addition. It would change our life and our lifestyle forever.

"Our busy schedules, starting my youtube channel might be a bit more difficult... I may have to do something different...." she said, clearly weighing out options in her head. Her eyes worried but her arms still wrapped around her stomach.

"I'd be gone a lot... there would be a lot of planning around the birth...." I added in, "and if we keep it, I would want to be as involved as possible."

"Planning your investigation schedule around the birth would be a bit easier this far in advance..." she began resting her hand over mine. 

"I can avoid overseas things depending on the due date.... we can keep investigations closer to home within a couple of hours radius..." I nodded, trying to think about other ways to be around. 

"Colby, I... I'm scared, I've never seen myself as a mom. I had the best example, but I don't know if I could ever be as good as her," she said. I turned to face her and smiled.

"I think you'd be a great mom," I smiled, "You take care of me and I'm like a big kid." she chuckled and nodded, gently swatting my arm.

"You are, but you're already grown.... this tiny human would depend on me, to shape their lives, their entire being would depend on me," she said with a bit of a concerned tone in her voice.

"Which you'll be amazing at... Jen, you're far more equipped than I am.." I said, "My life is all over the internet... I've done some crazy shit..." I reminded her.

"WE are all over the internet," she giggled reminding me of our indiscretion.

"Right," I said rubbing the back of my neck, so let's get a sheet out," he said, digging into the nightstand at my bedside. He found a small notepad and made a pro and cons columns list. He wrote down all the things we had already said before sitting back down beside me. 

"Okay, pros list, we'd be having a baby...." she smiled, hugging my arm. I wrote that down with a tiny heart next to it. I knew she would have put it there so I did the same.

"Pro, he or she would have your smile and good heart..." I said, writing it down.

"We have an amazing support system and the baby would have more aunts and uncles than they would know what to do with," she smiled.

"And a grandmother who will be over the moon when she finds out," I said, and then I saw her facial expression change.

"Colby, are we even sure it was me they were talking about in the hall? what if we're getting all excited and nervous for no reason?" she whispered, looking up at me.

"Jennifer, no matter what the results are, we're in this together..." I said, kissing her forehead. We continued with our list, and sure the cons side was much bigger than the pros but then she took the list and scrawled onto the pros side.

'None of the cons matter because we're doing it together'

"Perfect..." I smiled, with a nod. Sure having a child was going to be terrifying, and change literally everything, but she wrote none of that mattered as long as we were together. That was more true than anything on that con list. I shook my head, tore the cons list off, and threw it away, leaving our pros list beside us on the nightstand.

After about twenty more minutes the nurse came back in with a lunch tray, Kat and Sam behind her, including the doctor. Kat and Sam took a seat in the other chairs in the room.  The nurse got food in front of Jen and she began to eat.

"Okay, so your blood results are back, and I do have some news for you..." he said gently.

"Alright Doc, whatcha got for me?" I asked, already knowing what was coming.

"You're pregnant..." he said, and Colby squeezed my arm gently in support.

"Thank you, doctor, my friend may have heard the nurses chatting in the hall, so I sort of already knew..." I smiled.

"Well, that's good, you're about 14 weeks..." he said. 

14 weeks.....

~*~*~Author's Notes~*~*~

I want to give a HUGE shoutout to all my readers, voters, and comments!!! I am still in complete awe at the love you've all been showing this story! THANK YOU sososososo MUCH! I can't even begin to explain how touched and grateful I am to each and every single one of you!

I love you little RAEs of Sunshine so much!! I hope you love my other Sam and Colby stories as well! 


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