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Colby's POV
I hadn't heard from Jennifer in almost two weeks. I felt like my heart was breaking. I had tried to keep myself busy with work but nothing was working. I'd found a couple of places and done some booking for our next season of investigations but I was still feeling empty.

I'd been following Jennifer's Instagram posts and her twitter but even those were far and few between!! But she seems okay and sort of happy. But I could see the hurt and struggle in her eyes.

Her last tweet this morning was a bit cryptic. I didn't understand it... What was happening?! I was worried she was gonna do something stupid. I tried texting her this morning but no answer.

"JenyRae: my entire life is about to change!"

I guess back to work for me for now. I asked Kat to try and get in touch. Maybe she'd answer her for now season three had to get sorted and scheduled. I was just deciding on one in Michigan when the doorbell sound went thru the house.

I sighed and stood up. Was I the only one home right now? I headed off to answer the door dragging my feet. Who was ringing the bell at 10 pm anyways? Once I got downstairs I pulled the door open and I was in shock to see Amber standing there.

"Hey Colby," she smiled. I was confused at why she was here!!

"Um hey, Amber, everything okay?" I asked, letting her in.

"Yeah everything's good, I was wondering if you guys had space in the house? My condo building is being sold and I needed a place to stay for a little while," she said softly.

"Oh, um you can crash tonight but it would be a house decision to rent you the guest room," I said.

"Guest room? I figured I'd crash with you," she said moving close to me. I backed up and shook my head.

"I don't think my girlfriend would appreciate that..." I said shaking my head. She seemed taken aback.

"Girlfriend?" She asked surprised.

"Yes it's new but I really care about her," I said. I smiled thinking of Jen. Until she broke up with me She was my girlfriend.

"Oh does she live here too?" She asked glancing around,

"No she lives in LA," I said, "she's a medium, she has done an investigation with Sam and me!"

"Oh like Amanda?" She asked with a smile.

"Yes, kinda like Amanda! It's the last episode we posted, you should check it out!" I said.

"Let's watch it then!" She said nodding to the TV.

"Sure get your stuff to the guest room I'll get the Tv started and the video prepped," I said nodding to the stairs. She nodded and took her bag upstairs. After she got up there Kat and Sam returned home.

"Hey, Colby! How's the night going?!" He asked.

"Good, um Amber is upstairs! Her condo building got sold. She needs a place to crash!" I said.

"Oh, she staying the night?" He asked raising a brow.

"Yeah, in the guest room," I said, kidding.

"And after tonight?" Kat asked a bit concerned clearly.

"She wants to rent the room but I told her it was a house decision and it was not up to me!" I said.

"I don't think it's a good idea," Kat whispered gently.

"Why not? She's a friend!" I said.

"And your first love!" She reminded.

"WAS! She's aware of Jen! I already told her!" I said.

"We'll we'll see how tonight goes," Sam said, "for now what are you watching?"

"Showing her the new video! I wanted to show her Jen!!" I smiled, "and her talents!!"

"Aww bragging on your girl?" Kat smiled.

"Yeah... even tho she's not speaking to me right now!!" I chuckled.

"We'll she's not answering me either, I tried!" She sighed, "I hope her tweet isn't something crazy... I'm worried about her for sure!"

"I'm sure it's nothing crazy! Maybe she's working on dealing with her grief in a big way!!" Sam suggested.

"Possibly but I hope it's not a bad way!" I said, "I want her safe!!"

"We all do Colby!" He said patting my back.

"Hey Sam! Katrina!!" Amber said coming downstairs.

"Hey Amber!" Kat smiled, then nodded to the TV, "gonna check out their new video?"

"Yes! Anxious to see this girl who snatched Colby's heart!" She smiled as we got settled on the couch.

"For sure! She's definitely got it!!" Sam agreed. We got the video playing and I smiled seeing Jen's face appear. God, I loved her so much. I missed her so so much!

"She's beautiful Colby!" Amber smiled nudging me.

"She is isn't she?" I smiled. I missed her so much, have I mentioned that?

"This is how they met!!" Sam smiled, watching
"You were attracted to her right away!!" Amber said watching us interact.

"Was I that obvious?!" I laughed watching the way I stared at Jen in the video.

"Yea pretty obvious!" She laughed, shaking her head.

"Well let's watch," I said blushing. Throughout the video, I saw her really in it. She was so entranced by everything that was happening.

"Wow, she has such a gift!!!" She said as she spoke to the man she saw and suddenly it showed her reaction to grabbing her wrist.

"Oh my god!" She gasped out, covering her mouth.

"Yeah, that moment was intense!" Sam said till Jen pulled her arm back and that photo fell off the wall. She let out a squeal and I found her cowering into my side.

"Holy shit!!! you guys!!! that's crazy evidence!!!! this is insane for you!!!" she said, sitting up, and looking at us both. 

"Yeah first time that's ever happened!" Sam said, with a nod, "And it's all because of Jen she's like a magnet to the supernatural!"

"Dang, you gotta bring her to more places, this is crazy..." she said as the video ended. I nodded.

"For sure, the moment I am able to get in touch with her," I nodded.

"Send her a text message...." she said, nodding to my phone.

"I will, it's late. I'll send her a message tomorrow," I said. She nodded.

"Good, she's the best medium you've ever had," she smiled. I nodded. I heard the doorbell ring again. What the hell was with the late-night visitors? i went to the door, opened it and Jen was standing there. She smiled and then glanced behind me. I turned to look and she had noticed Amber. 

~*~*~*~Author's Notes~*~*~*~

Thank you all for waiting for this update. Don't forget my new one is up and has a couple of chapters. I hope you'll all give it a read. Again so so grateful for all of you! I can't believe We're almost at 11k reads!!!

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