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Jennifer's POV

Waking the next morning I was quick to get ready and pack my things back up and headed out to my car. I was a couple of minutes late getting to the restaurant. It looked like Sam and Colby were already there, their car was parked in the parking lot. I had to pull myself together and get the images from my dreams out of my head before I went in to sit down with them.

Approaching the table, Colby and I made eye contact and I felt myself blush. They stood to greet me and they both hugged me. Colby smelled amazing, and it all seemed to be flooding into my mind the dreams and the past 24 hours.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, gently, the hug lasting a few extra seconds. I smiled and tucked my hair back.

"I'm fine, sleep does a body good," I said softly.

"Yeah it does," Sam agreed, with a chuckle, nudging Colby after he let me go.

"So tell me what happened after I left?" I asked, as we sat down at the table, me beside Colby. He immediately rested his hand on my knee under the table. I felt his grip gentle but commanding, it sent a shiver up my spine but in a good way.

"Well we told the viewers about you leaving and that you needed some recharge time! And then headed to the basement," Sam said. I looked at him in shock.

"Are you insane?!" I said in shock, "Do you not listen when people talk to you?!"

"I know but you should know we don't run from a challenge!" Colby said, giving my knee a gentle squeeze. I rested my hand over his reassuring him I didn't mind his hand being there. I mean for crying out loud it was Colby. Ever since I watched their videos all I wanted to do was be within 100 feet of him and now he was right beside comforting me in such a gentle way.

"Okay so let me guess you went down there and asked it a couple of questions and then it forced you out," I said, raising a brow at them.

"Yes, but not only that, it FLUNG one of our flashlights from its spot right toward us.." Sam said, making my eyes widen and I turned to look at him. A full physical movement like that is NEVER done for cameras. it's always when they think no one is looking or cant be proven.

"Oh my god! did you get it on video?!" I asked hoping we had gotten lucky with this. He shook his head bringing up the clip on his camera.

"The camera went completely out of focus!" he said, pointing to where they began asking questions.

"For the entire time in the basement?" I asked, watching it intensely.

"No.... just for that 30 seconds....." he said, counting it down, before I heard movement the camera went out of focus, and then it was like trying to look thru a haze, and all you can make out is the yells and running out before it came back into focus.

"It was so bizarre!!" Colby nodded as sam put the camera down.

"It doesn't want to be bothered or be on film at all! the tiny things you did get arent enough proof to prove he exists..." I said.

"He? you think it's a man?" Sam asked.

"I don't think it's human! It has got male energy, but it's definitely demonic," I said getting goosebumps all over just talking about it.

"Was it the same one who caused you to leave?" Colby asked rubbing my knee with concern all over his face. I shook my head.

"No this was different, this is more dangerous, what drained me was evil but not on this level that you guys experienced in that basement," I said confidently. Sam shook his head in disbelief.

"Wow, that's insane..." he said softly.

"You guys have met your match! Whatever has come to the Stanley Hotel thru those portals is not something that should be there! I am pretty sure it was invited... by a messed up seance or energy... something drew it there," I said, "You can't go back there, it's too dangerous." Colby took my arm into his hands searching for the marks.

"They're gone," he said softly, trying to find them on my left arm.

"They were gone when I got to the hotel. I told you that thing is controlling everything there now! It hs a powerful reach! And once his minion stopped me, my bruises vanished. I told you, they'll to anything to protect their secret," I said.

"How is that even possible?!?!" Colby asked confused. I pulled my hand back from his grip and placed my hands back into my lap.

"It's still something I can't explain..." I said softly. once we put things away the waitress came over to get our orders. Colby's hand returned to my knee. My body tensed and then immediately relaxed under his grip. He massaged gently trying to calm my nerves. I don't know what it was with him but I felt safe with him.

"What can I get you to drink?!" she asked smiling at us.

"A small Caramel latte, extra shot of espresso and caramel," I smiled gently.

"Oh damn, same, a medium for me," Colby said, nodding in approval.

"Black coffee, small," sam said making the girl chuckle.

"Okay two lattes, and a serial killer's black coffee," she laughed. Colby and I cracked up laughing. I know they always teased him for his black coffee.

"And the funny part is he's a teddy bear!" Colby laughed, shaking his head.

"Well, your drink of choice says differently," she chuckled, 'I'll go get those for you and give you time to decide on your food." She headed off after setting down menus for us.

"Are you hungry?" Colby asked me.

"I am, but i gotta ask Colby," I said, setting my hand over his, "Why?"

"Why what?" he asked confused, making sam raise a brow.

"Why are you touching all over her under the table," Sam chuckled.  Colby smirked a little looking down at the table before glancing back up at me.

"Oh, that..." he blushed, "I'm sorry... i wasn't trying to offend you or make you uncomfortable. I just feel so guilty about how last night affected you.. I guess i feel protective over you.... especially after everything you went thru for us."

I smiled and nodded, "I get it, I guess a part of me was kinda hoping it was because you were kind of into me... High hopes huh?"

"Oh Jennifer, believe me when I say i am extremely attracted to you...." he said, "But there's a lot that comes with that. The fans are nuts, Maddie's kind of  a nightmare.."

I felt my heart skip a beat. Was he serious?  He wouldn't just say that and in front of Sam right? I smiled and made him look at me.

"I'm not scared of any of them, not even a little. And besides I told Maddie to leave, I'll be happy to do it again... she has no power over me or you unless we give it to her," I said.

"So now what?" he asked, looking at me curiously.

"Balls in your court Mr Brock!" I whispered softly.

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