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Jennifer's POV

I was so tired of being sad and angry. Losing Hayley, pushing Colby away and ignoring my friends, it wasn't who I was but everything felt so... fake. Like nothing was real. I was hurting but also so angry I could spit fire.

All I wanted was to lay with Colby and cry, but I also knew I wouldn't be able to do that without leaving my life behind. I knew now being with him meant nothing I had would be sacred or private.

I knew now that I loved him even after a short time. We had a connection I never thought I would hve, that cross barriers, crossed common sense and had never even crossed my mind six months ago,let alone three weeks ago.

Let's be real, when you're a fan of someone there's always this weird connection with someone who doesn't know you. When they're sad you're sad for them. When they have a good thing happy you're over the moon for them.

With Colby, I always felt like I knew him before he even knew I existed. When his family pup died I had a cry for him. When they moved to Vegas and bought their first house I was so happy for them. When they hit that first million followers I couldn't have been more proud of them.

So when I laid eyes on them for the first time in person I get like we'd been friends for years. Finally seeing Colby in person it was like we'd already shared a lifetime of friendship. Its creepy as hell when I say it out loud I know but it's true.

Being invited back to his place feeling things with him that fans only dream about, I thought for sure I was hallucinating. It took waking up next to him the morning of Hayley's funeral to finally realize it was actually happening to me.

Colby was right beside me. He'd flown, no questions asked and dropping everything to come support me. He truly felt something for me like I had felt for him for so long. This is what scared me. To have such an incredible human being feel something for me. It terrified me.

So when all this shit with the fans happened at the funeral I knew something had changed. It was something I could never take back, hide and now run away from, but I was trying to put distance between us.

It was purely only to see if my feelings for him were temporary or if I truly wanted to give up everything I had my home, my job, my private lifestyle to be with him. After almost a week of living my day to day, I still didn't know. All I wanted was a sign to help me make that choice.

Arriving home on a Friday I entered my apartment to a strange feeling. It almost felt like someone else was there.

"Hello? Is someone there?" I asked softly.

"Jennifer...." A voice said. It was quiet, female and I knew right away who it was. Hayley.

"Hay?" I asked aloud, "is that really you?" I felt tears stinging the corner of my eyelids and I immediately sank into my couch.

"Dude... seriously why are you here?" I heard her ask.

"Um... it's my house," I said. The room got cold quickly and after a moment she appeared in front of me.

 The room got cold quickly and after a moment she appeared in front of me

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"Hayls," I whimpered.

"Yup... figures huh? I just had to have that latte before work!" She chuckled. She seemed completely unaware of how detestation this was for us.

"I'm sorry, this is funny to you?" I asked almost angry.

"Whoa whoa east homeskillet! I'm just saying, I'm sorry," she said, putting her hands up.

"Your parents are a mess! I've never seen your mom so broken!" I said, sadly.

"I know.... I saw," she said softly, "I hate knowing I broke her heart...."

"She wanted contact with you right away... begged me..." I said.

"I know... I saw everything that day... including Volbu fucking Brock kissing on you! Dude what the fuck! You never told me!" She said.

"It was on my list to do that day.... Plans got derailed," I smiled.

"Oh my god! Tel me everything!" She smiled tucking her feet under legs. It was almost like old times, till my lights began to flicker and I remembered she probably should stay much longer.

"Hayls..." I said kissing to the lights.

"I know I know! Time and space crossing plans and dimensions blah blah..." she said, "fine fine I'm going but seriously J... go to Vegas. You are CLEARLY in love with him. Don't give up on him because of me.... Or the teeny boppers. Promise me!"

"I can't promise you that but I will promise you I'll think about it!" I smiled.

"Okay... I'll talk to you soon... then we need to plan a chat with mom.... So I can finally... move on...." She sighed.
"Yes I don't want you stuck here too long.. you and I both know lingering spirits turn vengeful..." I said. She nodded.

"I love you J! Now seriously call him," she said before she disappeared from my view. I couldn't take many more conversations like that. It was gonna end up making things harder for me to grieve and move on from her loss. Her words kept playing over and over in my head.

"Go to Vegas"

She didn't need to know anything other than how I felt about him to decide who's side she was on. She was supporting and promoting my happiness even from beyond the grave. She truly was my best friend.

The next day I needed to talk to my boss. We'd have a truly proper chat and discuss my concerns about the job and working where Hayley died and dealing with fans showing up to see me just to bother me about Colby.

I was beginning to think even if I didn't run back to Colby I needed to do what's best for me and my patients. Those things needed to be my priority before I made any decisions about my love life. And I knew right now my love life revolved around that smile, those eyes and ughh those broad shoulders! Jinkies!

~*~*~ authors notes ~*~*~
Ive started writing my next story. I went with the werewolf one! I'm hoping to have that first chapter up! But also hoping to update The Attachment as wel tmrw! Getting caught up on my stories!

But seriously! 9K reads! This is so insane you guys and I am so thrilled you're enjoying this story! And thank you thank you thank you so so so much for reading!!



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