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Jennifer's POV

I was 20 weeks pregnant and Colby and I were going in for our gender appointment. We sat nervously in the doctor's office waiting room for him, holding my hand in his. It felt good to know that I wasn't the only one who was nervous. I could feel that his hands were sweating.

"You feeling OK babe?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I'm fine I'm just anxious to find out,"  he smiled squeezing my hand, "Lord knows my mother's gonna be calling me an hour after our appointment wanting to know."

I left I knew he was right about that. She was very anxious to find out if she was having a grandson or granddaughter. There was a part of me that thinks she was more excited than I was. I know that Sam and Katrina we're definitely excited as well and anxious to find out about their Godchild.

"Jennifer?" A nurse said if she popped her head out the door. Colby and I stood in and followed her back to her room. 

"All right, it's Jennifer Winters correct? May 20 is your birthday?" The nurse asked as she shut the door.

"Yes ma'am," I smiled.

"All right, I'm gonna need you to take your coat and shoes off and come on into the hall and get a height and weight with me," She said nodding to my shoes.  Without even having to ask, Colby bent over and helped me remove my shoes.

I smiled at him as he took them off and helped me back to my feet. The nurse let me out into the hall and had me climb up on the scale. I didn't want to know the answer. I just let her hear the beep write it down and move to get my height. Thankfully that wasn't changing anytime soon after that, she let me back in the room and got the rest of my vitals; temperature, pulse ox, And blood pressure.

"So do you have any concerns that you want to go over with the doctor today?" She asked if she typed in my vitals.

"Not really I've been struggling to sleep a little bit though. I mean laying on my back it's been pretty impossible. It makes me kind of feel like I'm suffocating, and of course, laying on my side isn't comfortable so that isn't helping. so any help or ideas of how to help me get to sleep at night would be great because my tossing and turning are not helping his sleep either." I said nodding to Colby.

"That is usually very common but usually not till the end of the pregnancy, so I'm sure we can figure something out to help with your sleep.," She smiled. We went over my drug allergies in my medications, and then she finished her part before heading out, and then we waited for the doctor. After about 20 minutes or so, the doctor knocked and came into the room.

"Hello, Jennifer, good to see you again are we ready for this today?" She asked.

"More than you could possibly know," I chuckled.

"Well first, let's address your sleep! It shows on the chart here that you're having a little issue falling asleep or just staying asleep or is it just painful," she asked

"Oh, mostly, it's just painful at this point, and that's causing me to have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep.. so yes to all of the above," I chuckled with a smile.

"Have you tried sleeping slightly propped up?" she asked. I shook my head.

"I wasn't sure if that would cause any issues to the baby if I was sitting like that for long periods," I said nervously.

"It shouldn't be a problem a lot of women that are on bed rest spend a lot of time sitting up for propped up so we can try that if that still doesn't work over the next week or so give the office a call and we can go from there," she said.

"That sounds perfect. Anything to get some rest," I said, "and that goes for both of us my tossing and turning, is keeping him up to."

"Yes, I'm definitely missing sleep in the baby's not even here yet," Colby chuckled.

"All right, well, for now, let's get you in a gown; which I thought you were already in. But no big deal, let's get you a new gown and I'll be back in a few," She smiled and handed me a gown. She left the room and Colby help me get changed, then he help me get up on the exam table. Once we were comfortable, we waited only a few moments before the doctor returned

"Perfect let's get the show on the road," She smiled. She had a portable ultrasound machine that she was willing in behind her. Once she got my gown pulled up, she put a little bit of gel on my stomach that immediately made me hiss a bit. It was freezing.

"Sorry, probably should've warned you about that," she smiled.

"Probably, but no big deal." I giggled and begin to move the wand around my belly, moving the gel around a bit, and she was looking at each image as it appeared on the screen. First, she let us hear the heartbeat, which is always Colby's favorite part. He loves to hear the rapidness of it.

"Well, everything looks pretty perfect growing well and looks very healthy but let's get between little one's legs and find out what we got in there," She smiled. Colby was waiting anxiously and she moved the wind around. It looks like the little ones had their legs crossed so they weren't cooperative.

"Wow, they're already stubborn and they're not even here yet," Colby laughed, squeezing my hand.

"Just like their father," I laughed, poking his side gently. he waved it off.

"Yeah, probably they get a lot of that from their mother too," he said poking me back . The doctor chuckled, but after a moment she finally smile, she began to move the wand around in one spot just a little more.

"There we go now we got something," she said, "Huh...." She narrowed her eyes tilting her head a bit.

"OK, doc so don't keep us waiting. What are we having? Colby asked.

~*~*~*~ authors note ~*~*~*~
Hiiiii soooo did you guys miss me?? I know I've been gone for quite a while, and that last chapter wasn't the greatest. but hopefully this will at least half make up for it. I know there are a couple of you that are gonna be pretty upset with me that I left that on..... nahhh who are we kidding?! it's me!! I left yet you on Another cliffhanger. Does that really even surprise any of you?

So let's get those votes in!!

What do you think Boy? or girl? What are your thoughts?

Anyways!! my schedule is finally starting to even out and become normal so hopefully, I'll have another update for you in a week or so.. much love you guys!!!

🖤🖤 HalseyRae 🖤🖤

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