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Jennifer's POV

It was the day I was regretting. That Friday was Hayley's funeral, and I had my friends at my side, and Colby was never too far, always there to help with anything I needed.  Sam and Kat occasionally had job stuff they could do here in L.A. so they found things to do in between not wanting to leave till after the funeral so they were there with me for support.

I never in a million years thought I'd have to attend my best friend's funeral... At least not got another 60 years or more... She was one of the best nurses I knew, always patient care oriented. She'd stay over even if it was just to make sure Mrs. Ramos had her 10:30 bedtime tea.

She'd gotten up early to come to check on me when I was sick in bed with Covid back when it first hit. She went above and beyond for not only me but strangers. She was one of those kind souls that did t deserve to leave this world, yet here I was staring at my reflection as I put my earrings in.

I had chosen a simple black dress and leggings for the day. I placed my hair in a bun with a few tendrils loose around the front of my face curled to try and hide my red eyes and tear stains already forming. When I finished I heard my bedroom door open behind me and I saw Colby coming into the room.

"Hey, you ready beautiful?" He asked gently coming over to place his hand on my upper back. I nodded and he helped me stand. He pulled me gently against his chest.

"One moment at a time J, okay?" He whispered. I nodded gently into his chest. He kissed the top of my head and took my hand in his.

"First step is leaving the house okay?" He said softly.

"Okay..." I nodded hugging his arm as he led me out of my bedroom and out into the living room where Sam and Kat were waiting for us. Kat pulled me immediately into a hug.

"We're here for you, no matter what you need," she said softly, before pulling back to smile at me.

"Thanks, Kat," I said softly as we headed outside to the vehicle. I didn't want to do this today but knew it had to be done. I just wasn't sure I could face her parents again. I do know that this whole situation has made me rethink my job and my life choices. I also knew that being close to Colby made me feel safe and connected. Maybe moving to vegas with him was my best decision, but I couldn't make this kind of decision when I am under my cloud of grief. I had to make this choice with a clear head.

For now, one step at a time... Colby helped me into the vehicle, then climbed in beside me. He held me to his chest as Sam drove to the address of the funeral home for the service. It was a quiet drive. When we arrived I saw so many in black and it was all starting to hit me all over again. 

Colby got out and opened the door for me, as Sam and Kat got out as well. Colby put an arm around my waist and we headed inside. Seeing her casket and her laying in it took my breath away, and I broke down in sobs again. My legs felt frozen in place. I wasn't sure I could go up there. We grew up together, she was practically like my sister. 

After a moment I finally got my legs to move, and Colby held me up as I headed to get to the front. When I got there I felt another hand take mine. Her mother appeared beside me to take me from Colby.

"These friends of yours... celebrities?" she asked. I glanced at her surprised at why she would ask such a strange question.

"Not really, YouTubers... they investigate the paranormal like me, why would you ask me that now?" I asked confused. She sighed.

"We've had to get the police on site to ward off their so-called fans and press," she said a bit angrily but in a quiet tone, "My daughter's funeral is not a show or something random people can just show up to."

"Nancy, I never meant for that to happen..." I said sadly.

"It did.... and I can't have them here, I want them to leave..." she said, angrily. I squeezed her hand.

"Okay, I promise, I'll talk to them and have them wait for me at my apartment," I promised, and pulled back from her before going to Colby and gesturing for them to follow me outside. We went outside and I looked at them a bit angrily. I wasn't mad at them just their so-called fans as Nancy said.

"Your FANS have been showing up and harassing Tim and Nancy, and the press.... she wants you guys to leave..." I said.

"Did they seriously?" Sam asked just as shocked and just as angry as I was feeling. 

"Okay beautiful, we'll go back to yours and wait for you...." Colby said kissing my forehead.

"We're so sorry J.." Kat said softly, squeezing my hand before going back to the vehicle, Sam and Colby right behind. I sighed and watched them leave before going inside to handle this on my own. I sat with Nancy and Tim who seemed satisfied that things were calmed down. 

"I am so sorry..." I whispered.

"It's not your fault sweetie, it's what comes with their types, but I didn't want all that today..." she said.

"How did people even know they were here?" I wondered aloud.

"The accident drew a lot of attention, so when you guys showed up at the hospital it was all over the news..." she said, "We got word from our niece about it, wondering how YOU knew sam and Colby!"

"Oh... right, well I apologize for the attention, they would never mean to do this sort of thing... it's never their intention.." I said softly. She smiled and nodded.

"It's alright, let's just bury Hayley...... she's the center of attention today...." she said as the preacher began to speak. 

My relationship with Colby and my friendship with Sam and Kat had brought a weird vibe to this whole situation. Nothing in my life would ever be private again, and I wasn't sure how I was gonna handle that as my life continued. People knew where I worked, and they knew I was connected to Sam and Colby, would this continue at my job? would the fans figure us out? Maybe Colby was right..... perhaps it wasn't a good idea to continue. If the fans could crash my best friend's funeral, what else were they capable of?

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