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Colby's POV

I woke to Jen wrapped in my arms and I couldn't help but smile. I had missed her so desperately. I kissed her forehead and she smiled in her sleep. She snuggled in a bit tighter, and I held her close for a moment before I had to move to use the restroom.

She whimpered as I got up but then fell onto my pillow and went back to sleep. she was so damn cute. We got a bit um, preoccupied the night before so we didn't get a chance to talk, but we had a lot to discuss today, as far as what the plan was for her. If she was gonna be finding a hospital job here or what she wanted to do.

I went to use the restroom, then went to make us both a coffee, hers a latte of course with our Keurig machine and our plastic coffee take-out cups. Kat had found them when she was out shopping. They were definitely handy. I got them all ready and headed back upstairs to see Jen sitting up and rubbing her eyes. She was still wearing my t-shirt from the night before.

"Morning," I smiled handing her the latte cup. She smiled and took it.

"Thank you, but potty first," she giggled setting it on the nightstand. I smiled and let her go, watching her orange off in my shirt which ended right below that beautiful ass of hers. She was so gorgeous.

When she returned she sat beside me and I smiled handing her the latte.

"So tell me babe where do we go from here?" I asked.

"We're together aren't we?" She asked confused sipping her drink.

"I meant as far as you working babe? Do you want help finding something medical here?" I asked.

"Somebody once told me to do investigation videos and street readings for YouTube!" She smiled.

"We could help with that...." I smiled, drinking my own coffee, "We can talk to sam today and see what we can do about bringing you overseas with us in two weeks!"

"I'd like that, get started that way!" she smiled, "Maybe we can do a fun photo shoot at some point! get my youtube opened and created!"

"Definitely, I have an idea, what if we get your youtube created? Then when you come with us we can advertise your channel with us and set up some spots or reading spots for people to find you and get random readings?" I suggested.

"I don't usually plan to see ghosts, but we can definitely talk about it...."  she smiled.

"Then let's start that!" I said brightly. She giggled and shook her head.

"Let's drink our coffee and get dressed first! I have brunch with the girls here soon," she smiled.  I nodded and we had our coffee, and then got ourselves up and dressed. She got her hair and makeup done.  She seemed excited about her brunch with the girls. When she headed out i went to chat with Sam.

"So, you guys seem to be okay," he said as I sat down. I nodded.

"We are, she wants to do youtube... her own investigations and such, or readings... street work..." I said.

"Wow, we could help with that, I can teach her the programming and such..." he said.

"I am sure she'd love that, we're gonna get a channel set up for her, she said she could do fun photo shoots with the girls or something for it..." I said.

"Oh yeah start there for sure!" he said.

"I suggested maybe bringing her with us overseas to the UK and promoting her channel when we go... she could do some street work over there... and start with that..." I said.

"That's a good start!!!" he nodded, "Great... as long as you two are okay and happy..."

"We are. My heart bleeds for her Sam, she's my everything..." I said.

"She is your Kat..." he chuckled nodding to the photo of him and Kat on his desk.

"She is," I laughed with a smile. They were so perfect together, couple goals for sure...

"Speaking of Kat, I wanted to chat with you, I need your help when we go to the UK," he said with a smile.

"Of course, with what dude?" I asked. He sighed and pulled a small black box out of his desk.

"Dude, are you shitting me?! seriously?" I said brightly taking it to look at it. it was a beautiful ring. She was gonna love it. It was unique and colorful just like her.

 It was unique and colorful just like her

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"It's time man... it's been too long... six years too long..." he said.

"It's beautiful dude, she's gonna love it..." I smiled, "And the fans are gonna freak out!"

"I know they will, but I want you to record it. So it's something we can cherish forever...." he said.

"Of course, and we can release it whenever you're ready!" I nodded, handing the ring back to him. He took it and put it back inside his desk.

"I wanna do it with Big Ben in the background when we go to London," he said.

"Of course man, we got this... you're gonna be engaged!!!" I said brightly, "A married man!"

"Only If she says yes!" he chuckled, Closing his desk drawer.

"Dude, she will, she's been hinting at you for almost two years, and she will definitely say yes!" I smiled, patting his back.

"I hope so...." he said.  I shook my head.

"Dude, don't doubt it, she's definitely gonna say yes!" I smiled, "Speaking of the UK tour, is everything set?" he nodded bringing up the itinerary.

"Absolutely, we're all good, we just need to make sure all our equipment is packed a couple of days before..." he said.

"Awesome, then we need to make sure everything is taken care of before we leave for Jen's channel, fun work!" I said.

"Yes, creating is always fun! I can't wait to see what Jen decides for photos!" he said. I nodded. Anything she chose would be perfect. she could wear burlap and I'd still think she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

~*~*~Author's Notes~*~*~
Thank you all so much for reading! I am so gobsmacked by the fact I'm almost at 13k. I have never had a story with such an incredible response!

I do have a new story up called "Dark Side of the Moon". It is a Sam and Colby werewolf story. I have some plans for that story as well, and a way to bring in some of your readers into it. If you want to be a part of this story, leave your name and childhood personality in the comments and I will add you to the list. I have one already and need 14 more!

While I am here, I wanna give a MASSIVE shout out to @bad_bish23 she's been a great supporter and truly made my day with her comments. :D thank you thank you thank you!

Till next chapter guys! THANK YOU!


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