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Colby's POV

"Doc?" jennifer asked.

"Well, here is the thing," she began, and turned the screen toward us, "once I got the little girl to move, her um sibling decided to wave hello from behind her..."

"I'm sorry...... excuse me?" Jennifer asked in shock, her mouth hanging up and running a hand through her hair

"Sibling! What do you mean?" I asked, " what does that even mean?" I knew I was rambling, but I still couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"We'll there's two in there...." She said with a smiled showing us the screen.

"Twins??" Jen asked, "like two?"  She seemed a bit stunned, and I could see a good hint of fear in her eyes as well

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"Twins??" Jen asked, "like two?"  She seemed a bit stunned, and I could see a good hint of fear in her eyes as well.

"That's exactly what I'm saying I'm just in shock that we never noticed a little hider until now," the doctor said.

"I was just about to ask how is that possible? We've gone through so many inspections and ultrasounds and whatever else we've been doing and we couldn't tell there was two?" I asked in shock.

"It's very rare, but it can't happen, especially when they're practically laying in sitting on one another, their heart beats can definitely blend together, at those types of  appointments!"She said softly, "are you guys gonna be OK? You're really taking this kind of rough!"

"No no it's fine it's just shocking we've only prepared for the one," Jen said gently, "we will adapt to this it's just a shock!"

I just nodded. I was in shock. I was scared for one kid. Now I'm having two? What are we going to do with the nursery side of the room? We were going to have to redo everything! there is no way that we were going to be able to get this figured out in the next 20 weeks! will we need to build another wall? Will we need to clean out a whole different room for them? The thoughts were rambling around in my head and I was unable to stop them.

"Colby are you all right?" Jen asked I just nodded and took her hand in mine. My hands were shaking a little bit from shock, but just feeling her hand in mind helped me calm down a little.

"I'm good I'm just trying to focus on the positive. They're healthy, right doc?" I asked. She smiled.

"Yes, your girls look perfectly healthy!" She said after maneuvering the wand around Jen's belly. 

"Girls? You can tell that they're both girls?" I asked. She nodded and printed off a few things for us.

"Well, at least that takes care of our names situation!" Jen said we had been debating between two girls names. So at least now we knew we wouldn't have to choose.

"This is true but now we just gotta figure out how we're gonna tell everyone," I sent. I knew our friends at home we're gonna be completely shocked and I knew our families we're gonna be shocked as well.

The Dr. finished going over the other important things we needed to know that they were growing perfectly fine for twins and we didn't have to worry about the weight gain that John was getting and the fact that there's two of them and there is probably why it was making it so hard for her to get some sleep .

After the appointment, we headed out to the car with the photos of our girls in hand. I was so excited to tell everyone, but I was also a little nervous about all the things were gonna have to pick up now! we were gonna need another crib and we were probably going to need more clothes! Basically we were gonna have to double up on everything!

We were also gonna have to take the stroller. We bought back and get a double stroller, and then as soon as I thought of that, I realized I have the perfect way to tell Sam and Katrina!

"Hey Jen I just got a brainstorm!" I said, "what if we told Sam and Katrina that we needed to take the stroller back that we found a different one that we liked?"

"That sounds perfect. We can definitely come up with a plan!" She nodded. I knew exactly what we were gonna do in the result was gonna be amazing. I couldn't wait to see their faces! For now we were just anxious to get back!

"So we should tell them that we're having a girl but not tell them that our girl has a sister?" She asked.

"Nope we'll keep that little tidbit to ourselves!" I chuckled, "I want it to be a complete shock when we drop the bomb. Then after we tell them, we'll have to let our parents know for sure! My mom is gonna freak to find out that she's having more than one grandchild! I think a double stroller is gonna be a great way to announce this to everybody!"

"lts absolutely it's a great way to announce good news and it's definitely gonna have a shock factor!" She agreed. The drive home was very relaxed and we were gushing over the girls in the car. We were discussing the two names that we picked out and we just knew this was gonna be perfect. We had a lot of shopping to get done but we knew if we worked on this together, and once our friends knew it was gonna be an easy transition to prepare for the twins.

And I know everyone is going to be thrilled to hear the names, but we're thinking between the two of us that the names might stay secret until they're born! We gotta keep some mystery for everyone. There was already gonna be so much thrown at them. As far as twins in preparation, we didn't wanna give away everything.

For now I couldn't believe where am I would like it was going. Everything was changing so quickly and I almost couldn't wait for our girls to arrive. I know that I always say that I love girls, but these three girls, my twins and my wife, well they were my favorites .

~*~*~ authors notes ~*~*~
So what do you think? Do you think it's gonna be a fun surprise for their friends and family? And what do you think the names will be? Below are a couple of hints! Any guesses?

🖤🖤HalseyRae 🖤🖤

🖤🖤HalseyRae 🖤🖤

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