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Sam's POV

So this was gonna be a massive surprise for Kat. She's been dropping hints for two years but I wanted it to be perfect. Thankfully she wanted to stay at the hospital with Jen till she was fully released so it gave Colby and me a couple of hours to set things up for the big proposal. Colby still had the ring kept safe for me. I couldn't be more in love with Katrina if I tried. She was my backbone, my foundation, and nothing I could do with my life would mean anything if she wasn't a part of it. I knew, especially after Jen's accident, I had to make sure she was mine forever. 

Colby had agreed to help me get the proposal all set up and then stay to protect it and make sure it stayed intact. The plan was to tell the girls we had a cute photo shoot all set up for Jen's pregnancy shots, but this was gonna be the proposal of all proposals. I was gonna blindfold Kat first, saying it was a big surprise for them both. Of course, Jen would stay unblindfolded, some she could assist with the plan.

I had white and pink rose petals to scatter on the beach with a beautiful black arch with white, red, and pink garland. Sexy and romantic at the same time. I knew she'd love it... and I had a pink, red, and white rose bouquet to present her with when she came up to me.


It all had to be perfect. Colby would light the candles around the walkway and arch once we pulled up. I had everything in place and it had to be perfect. We got the arch put up and sturdy first, it was a beautiful sight to see. It was a squared black wicker arch. The red pink and white rose garland was intertwined into the wicker poles and up and down each side and a little extra dramatic on the top half.

Once the roses were all covered and the arch was complete we got the tea candles in their little water baths scattered around and the candles floating. Colby had a long lighter to light each candle. He was gonna be quick, and we both just hoped the wind stayed nice and calm like it was.

"Dude, this is perfect, she's gonna love it," Colby said as we took in all our hard work. 

"I hope so man, just make sure you get a million photos of the proposal I want to have memories of every reaction..." I smiled.

"Now when the blindfold comes off are you already gonna be on one knee?" he asked for clarification. 

"I don't think so, I'll let her see me first and the surroundings let her be adorably confused, then dip down to one knee..." I said. He went to answer before we both heard a voice.

"Oh my gosh! are you guys setting up a wedding?" a lady asked walking on the beach hand in hand with who I am assuming is her husband. They were easily in their 60s or older.

"Actually it is a proposal! We've been together 6 years....." I smiled, as they came over to chat with us.

"So a long time coming!" the man said. I chuckled and Colby had a good laugh at my expense.

"Yes sir, our careers keep us busy and tend to get in the way!" I agreed. Between her music and the youtube channels, it was hard to figure out a perfect time to set up something like this. I know our plans coming out here weren't originally for this, but not doing the investigating we planned made it easier to plan something really special. 

Now, don't get me wrong, in absolutely no way am I grateful for what happened to Jennifer, I would never wish it on anyone. Not even my worst enemy. It's heartbreaking for everyone involved. I am just glad for Jennifer's sake she's alright. Not to mention the pain Colby would have been in if he had lost her. Katrina as well would have been heartbroken to lose her best friend. 

"Oh gosh do you have photos together?" she asked excitedly. I chuckled and nodded showing her my phone background. She placed her hand over her heart and smiled brightly.


"Oh my gosh, she's beautiful!!" she gushed. I nodded and smiled brightly. I couldn't have agreed with her more. She was stunning and I still couldn't believe she was my girl.

"Yes, she is.... the most beautiful girl in the world," I said proudly. Her husband touched the side of her hip and she nodded. He must have been signaling to her they should go. 

"Well, congratulations in advance on your engagement... I have no doubts she'll say yes..." she smiled, her husband kissing her cheek. She smiled and waved as they turned away.

"Thank you, that's very kind..." I said as they headed off. That couple, those are goals. I want that to be Kat and me when we get old, still holding hands and very much in love. The way he looked at her was beautiful to see.

We finished setting everything up and Colby took a few shots of me by the arch and I took a few of the setup myself before I went in to get ready. I had to double up on layer my fancy dress shirt under my hoodie and such so it was a quick change when we returned to the beach. 

Once I was ready to go, Colby got ready to babysit the setup, while I went to get in the car. This was it. Everything was gonna change tonight. I was gonna as Katrina to marry me and all I could do was hope my heart didn't bang out of my chest and try to get my speech right in my head. Heading back to the hospital my head was all over the place. This had to be perfect.

~*~*~Author's Notes~*~*~

So there is the setup. I couldn't NOT cover the proposal! And of course, I am sure you are all shocked at the POV change, but we can't do the proposal in anyone but their POV.

Just copy and paste the links, the photos were far too large so I did this to save space. I'll figure it out soon for the future.


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