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Colby's POV

It was a long plane ride, but Jen slept thru most of it, something about wanting to have as little jet lag as possible. She told us the ONE time she went overseas to japan she slept the entire first day of vacation. I had to chuckle a bit, we usually traveled for work and planned for adaption time, but she was ahead of the game I guess. Once we arrived in London she was awake but still yawning.

"You gonna be alright beautiful?" I asked as we stood up to get off our flight.

"Yeah, I will adapt, just need some coffee..." she chuckled.

"Well, I am sure there is a place right here in the airport, a Starbucks if I remember correctly.." I said.

"Perfect! what time is it here anyways?" she asked.

"Well we left LA about 1, it's been ten and a half hours, so about 6:30 am here in London I think..." I said, "We'll find out when we exit!"

"So we can maybe get some more sleep at the hotel!" she smiled.

"That is one thing we could do..." I smirked, resting my hand on her lower back as we exited the tarmac to head to baggage pickup.

"Did you have something else in mind Mr. Brock?" she smirked, putting her arm around my waist and her backpack over her shoulders.

"Maybe the start of our sexcapades?" I suggested, tracing a small circle on her exposed lower back. I felt her body shiver under my touch and I was anxious to feel her body under mine again, or maybe over it again. Maybe in front of it. I didn't care which position I just knew I missed the feel of her wrapped around my cock.

"Sexcapades?" she asked raising a brow, "What do you mean?" She knew what I meant, but she was being a bit of a tease. I didn't mind though I liked to hear her talk about sex. It was alluring, and she was so free in her speech and thoughts when it came to sex.

"Oh, the fun country tour we discussed back home..." I said, poking her side gently.

"OH! the making love in every country escapades..." she giggled hugging me from the side gently.

"Yes, my thoughts exactly!!" I said, kissing her temple as our group piled into the baggage claim area.

"Then I agree, we should start here in London!" she nodded. I squeezed her hip in confirmation. She was naughty yet innocent at the same time. She was a freak behind closed doors, but the public issue caused her to be a bit shy when we were in public together. She knew her body was out there, but I needed her to know with my touch and my love that  I would protect her at no cost.

I loved her, even after this short time, and I had to prove it in every way possible. Especially before I finally said it.  I know that sounds insane that after only a couple of months I was in love, but this woman was everything I had searched for my entire life. Kind, empathetic and we were both 11s.

In numerology that is. We're not that conceited I swear, maybe to each other but as far as life plan numbers we were both 11s! After the Winchester Mystery House, I knew, and I was working on my abilities as far as sensing and psychic abilities. It was a slow process but I knew if I practiced and focused I'd get there to be able to make a difference somehow.

Anyways, back on track. I was in love and I just hoped she was too. I knew today I had to show her something different than just having incredible sex. I had to make love to her, so she could feel it was different. And then tonight, we investigate Bruce Castle. This is said to be the most haunted place in all of London and we couldn't wait to check it out and back up our research.

"Colby, you alright?" Jen asked, "You seemed to get lost in your head just now..." I glance down t her and smiled, stroking her hair from her face.

"Everything is perfect angel, just a bit tired..." I smiled. She smiled and hugged my arm.

"So maybe sleep then sexcapades," she suggested, nudging me. I nodded and figured I'd tease her a bit.

"Sounds good to me," I shrugged. She almost huffed a bit in frustration.

"Hey... but funsies..." she pouted. I laughed and kissed the top of her head.

"Okay okay, funsies then sleep!" I smiled, making her giggle.

"Yes sir," she smiled. I gripped her hand tightly in mine as I watched the luggage begin to pile out.

"Sir? Really? we're back to that again, are we? Ugh you naughty girly," I said in a low tone of voice, trying to keep myself focused on watching for our bags.

"If you insist, I know you like it," she whispered, kissing my cheek. I parted from her once I spotted our things coming around. They had our X stickers on them. We made sure to label our things for easier spotting. I smiled a bit anxious for the rest of our day, as I reached out to grab our bags from the luggage carousel.

We all gathered our bags and then headed to the car rental spot to get a vehicle for all of us. The couples would be sharing rooms and Amanda had the suite she had booked. She would only be doing two places with us so she wanted a comfortable place to relax in between investigations. Once we got our SUV we got all our things loaded into it and then headed to the hotel closest to the castle. We'd be here in London for two days.

Once we got on the road, Sam driving of course was a bit quiet and relaxed. I think we all didn't know if getting Jen back into an investigation after everything that has been happening was gonna be incredible or just another terrifying experience for all of us.

But what I did know is this week was gonna be something new for all of us. Jen and I would be making love instead of having intense sex, I may even tell her I loved her. She was in London for the first time, we were investigating a brand new place, and we were finally gonna have two of the best mediums working together.

No matter what actually happened on this trip I knew as long as I did it with Jen, it was gonna be incredible.

So what are you all excited to read about in this story! What do you wanna see?

And yes Colby and I are both 11s in real life! Shocked to find that out but kinda not! As a medium, for me it makes sense and with his empathic abilities it's no surprise to me he has psychic stuff locked down in there somewhere!


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